- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1962, Volume 27, Issue 12
pp. 2727-2743
O. Fischer and O. Dračka Studium der Kinetik von Elektrodenvorgängen mit Hilfe der Elektrolyse bei konstantem Strom VIII. Kinetische Erscheinungen bei der Bildung adsorbierbarer Salze an Quecksilber -
pp. 2744-2753
G. Ruttkay-Nedecký Charakteristische polarographische Aktivität des Tabakmosaikvirus II. Natur der polarographisch aktiven Komponente bei Zimmertemperatur und pH 10,5 -
pp. 2754-2760
Jiří Jonáš, M. Horák, A. Pískala and J. Gut Nucleic acid components and their analogues. XXVI. Ultraviolet and infrared spectra of 5-azauracil and related compounds -
pp. 2761-2764
J. Borecký Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen XLVII. Identifizierung und Trennung aliphatischer C10-C18-Alkohole als Monoalkylsulfate mittels Papierchromatographie -
pp. 2765-2770
V. Černý and A. Kasal On steroids. LXIX. Preparation of (20R)-20-hydroxy-3-oxo-5α-pregnan-18-oic acid (18→20) lactone from 5,6-dihydro-N,N,N',N'-tetramethylholarrhimine -
pp. 2771-2777
J. Hora, V. Černý and F. Šorm On steroids. LXX. Cyclopropane ring formation on deamination of 18-amino steroids -
pp. 2778-2783
V. Schwarz, S. Heřmánek and J. Trojánek Steroid-Derivate XX. Einfluss des 17β-Substituenten auf die Brom-Additionsgeschwindigkeit an 3β-Acetoxy-Δ5-androsten-Derivate -
pp. 2784-2795
J. Žemlička, J. Beránek and J. Smrt Preparation and methanolysis of uridine, 6-azauridine and 6-azacytidine O-formyl derivatives -
pp. 2796-2800
V. Vaníček and J. Papoušek Oxydationskondensation von 1-Aryl-3-methyl-4-amino-5-pyrazolonen mit m-Phenylendiamin und dessen Derivaten -
pp. 2801-2807
J. Trojánek, O. Štrouf, K. Kavková and Z. Čekan Über Alkaloide VI. Vincaminin und Vincinin, zwei neue Alkaloide aus Vinca minor L. -
pp. 2808-2815
F. Franěk Isolation and some molecular characteristics of pig γ1-macroglobulin -
pp. 2816-2825
V. Kolář Hydrodynamics of the fluidized bed -
pp. 2826-2840
D. Vlachová, R. Zahradník, K. Antoš, P. Kristian and A. Hulka Kinetics of the reaction with OH- ions and polarography of aromatic isothiocyanates -
pp. 2841-2853
K. Dušek Ionenaustauschergerüste III. Kopolymere des Styrols mit Divinylbenzol elastisches Verhalten der in Toluol gequollenen Kopolymeren -
pp. 2854-2863
L. Kišová, M. Jakešová and O. Fischer Wechselstrompolarographie der Rhodanokomplexe des Chroms -
pp. 2864-2871
F. Rybnikář Verlauf des Schmelzens von Polychlortrifluoräthylen -
pp. 2872-2877
J. Ambrož, L. Ambrož, P. Osecký and K. Veselý A kinetic study of the stereospecific polymerization of propylene -
pp. 2878-2885
C. Konečný Abtrennung des Rutheniums mit Hilfe von Naphtholen aus Salpetersauren Lösungen -
pp. 2886-2897
Z. Arnold and A. Holý Synthetic reactions of dimethylformamide. XIV. Some new findings on adducts of the Vilsmeier-Haack type -
pp. 2898-2906
A. Kasal, V. Černý and F. Šorm On steroids. LXXI. Mercuric acetate dehydrogenation of conanine derivatives. Preparation of 3-substituted lactams derived from 18-metylamino-5α-etianic acid -
pp. 2907-2924
M. Tichý, J. Šipoš and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. XXIV. A study of ring deformations in 2-aminocyclohexanol derivatives by spectroscopic intramolecular hydrogen bond determination -
pp. 2925-2928
M. Suchý On terpenes. CXLVI. The structure of balchanin, a sesquiterpenic lactone of santonin type from Artemisia balchanorum H. KRASH -
pp. 2929-2933
M. Souček On terpenes. CXLVIII. Biosynthesis of carotol in Daucus carota L., a contribution to configuration of carotol and daucol -
pp. 2934-2939
Z. Zmrhal On proteins. LXXIX. Amino-acid composition of bovine chymotrypsinogen A -
pp. 2940-2945
B. Keil, H. Keilová and I. Bartošek On proteins. LXXX. Column gradient extraction of proteins -
pp. 2946-2955
B. Keil, Z. Prusík, L. Morávek and F. Šorm On proteins. LXXXI. The disulphide bonds of α-chymotrypsinogen and peptides from its peptic hydrolysate -
pp. 2956-2965
I. Rychlík, F. Kalousek and F. Šorm Nucleotide analogues and protein synthesis in vitro -
pp. 2966-2968
J. Adámek, B. Semrád and V. Ponec Thermomolekulareffekt des Ammoniaks -
pp. 2968-2972
K. Obruba Analysis of surface-active addition products of ethylene oxide. III. Determination of free polyethylene glycols in non-ionogenic adducts of ethylene oxide by means of thin layer chromatography on silicagel -
pp. 2972-2975
I. Janoušek Spektrophotometrische Vanadinbestimmung mittels Xylenolorange nach dem Trennen an Katex -
pp. 2976-2979
V. Pechanec Elementaranalyse organischer quecksilberhaltiger Substanzen VI. Semimikrobestimmung von Quecksilber und Halogenen aus nur einer Einwaage -
pp. 2980-2981
M. Holub and V. Herout On terpenes. CXLVII. Isolation of desacetoxymatricarin from Artemisia leukodes SCHRENK. -
pp. 2981-2985
J. Trojánek and J. Hodková Über Alkaloide V. Isolierung von Vincamedin aus dem grossen Immergrün (Vinca major L.) -
pp. 2985-2988
J. Pitra, J. Moural and Z. Čekan Herzwirksame Glykoside V. Reaktion der 14,16β-Dihydroxycardenolide mit Thionylchlorid und Konstitutionsnachweis von 16β-Hydroxystrophanthidin (Strophadogenin) -
pp. 2989-2992
Z. Arnold Synthesis of triethyl(2-formylvinyl) ammonium salts -
pp. 2993-2995
Z. Arnold Synthetic reactions of dimethylformamide. XV. Synthesis of symmetrical tetraformylethane -
pp. 2996-3052
J. Gasparič and I. Gemzová-Táborská Papierchromatographische Identifizierung von Dispersionsfarbstoffen -
pp. 3053-3075
P. Hochman, J. Koutecký and R. Zahradník Tables of quantum chemical data. I. Molecular orbitals of some benzenoid hydrocarbons and benzo derivatives of fluoranthene
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.