- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1964, Volume 29, Issue 12
pp. 2869-2880
F. Jenč Reduced theoretical potential curves for some first row diatomic molecules -
pp. 2881-2891
F. Jenč Evaluation of the interatomic potential functions for rare gases with the use of the reduced potential curve method -
pp. 2892-2905
P. Mitschka Nicht-Newtonsche Flüssigkeiten II. Drehströmungen Ostwald-de Waelescher nicht-Newtonscher Flüssigkeiten -
pp. 2906-2912
P. Zuman, O. Manoušek and V. Horák Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulphur bonds. VI. Polarographic reduction of the C-N(+) bond in α-aminonitriles -
pp. 2913-2926
A. Kimla and F. Štráfelda Polarographie im durchfliessenden Elektrolyt VI. Grenzstrom an der Quecksilbertropfelektrode bei gleichsinnig parallelem Elektrolyt- und Quecksilberfluss im Bereich der stokesschen Geschwindigkeiten -
pp. 2927-2934
Ľ. Treindl Kinetische Bestimmung der konsekutiven Komplexitätskonstanten von Cer(IV)-Komplexen mit Glycin -
pp. 2935-2949
J. Knížek, V. Chvalovský and M. Horák Organosilicon compounds. XXXVII. C-H stretching vibrations of phenyl groups in the infrared spectra of phenylsilanes C6H5SiXYZ and monosubstituted derivatives of benzene C6H5CXYZ -
pp. 2950-2955
J. Šmejkal, Jiří Jonáš and J. Farkaš The Hammett σ constants for the cyclopropyl group; p-, and m-cyclopropylbenzoic acids -
pp. 2956-2970
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LIV. Synthesis of 5-halouridines by the Hilbert-Johnson reaction -
pp. 2971-2979
J. Smrt and F. Šorm Oligonucleotidic compounds. X. Synthesis of penta-uridylyl-(5'→3')-uridine -
pp. 2980-2991
Z. Buděšínský, J. Přikryl and E. Svátek Long-acting sulphonamides. III. New synthesis of 2-sulphanilamido-5-methoxypyrimidine -
pp. 2992-3002
O. Černý and Z. Gibiš Zum Mechanismus des katalysierten Zerfalls von 1-Tetralinhydroperoxid -
pp. 3003-3019
J. Landau, J. Procházka, F. Souhrada and P. Nekovář Studies on extraction. II. Liquid-liquid extractor with vibrating plates -
pp. 3020-3030
G. Kubie On the dynamics of mass transfer between a droplet of a solution and a gas -
pp. 3031-3043
V. Ponec, Z. Knor and S. Černý Adsorption and catalytic reactions on evaporated metal films. X. Adsorption and interaction of hydrogen and oxygen on molybdenum -
pp. 3044-3056
P. Čársky, P. Zuman and V. Horák Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulphur bonds. V. Polarographic study of elimination of β-morpholino propiophenone -
pp. 3057-3065
J. Podlaha Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten XIII. Untersuchung des Systems Eisen(III)-Nitrat-Phosphorige Säure-Methanol -
pp. 3066-3080
J. Ratuský and L. Baštář Über die Darstellung von β-Cyanäthyläthern mehrwertiger Alkohole und ihre Anwendung in der Gaschromatographie -
pp. 3081-3088
V. Musil, O. Němeček, J. Vintika and Z. J. Vejdělek 6-Aminopenicillansäure-Derivate III. Substituierte 6-N-(Cinnamamido)penicillinsäuren -
pp. 3089-3095
B. Pelc Steroid derivatives. XXVIII. Preparation of 1-methyl-5α-androstane derivatives -
pp. 3096-3101
V. Benešová, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CLXX. Isolation and structure of nobilin, a sesquiterpenic lactone with a ten-membered ring -
pp. 3102-3107
J. Beneš Grenzflächenspannung im System organisches halogenid-wässrige Natriumhydroxidlösung -
pp. 3108-3114
J. Hebký and M. Karásek Darstellung von 2,4,6-Trijod-3-aminobenzylalkohol und seinen Derivaten -
pp. 3115-3121
J. Arient, L. Havlíčková and J. Šlosar Imidazol-Farbstoffe XIII. Reduktion des Aroylenimidazol-Skeletts mit Lithiumaluminiumhydrid -
pp. 3122-3156
V. Tomášek, O. Mikeš, Václav Holeyšovský and F. Šorm On proteins. XCI. Structure of some peptides isolated from the soluble amount of the tryptic digest of bovine S-sulpho-trypsinogen -
pp. 3157-3160
K. Mach Infrared spectra of aluminium trialkyl complexes with alkali metal fluorides -
pp. 3160-3163
F. Štráfelda and J. Bauer Disilbersalz der Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure -
pp. 3164-3167
J. Podlaha and J. Podlahová Hydrolyse des Vanadin(II)-Ions -
pp. 3167-3170
Z. Vacek and J. Staněk Chromatographie einiger Hydroxydiphenylderivate -
pp. 3171-3173
J. Majer Indentification of terminal groups of degraded polyoxymethylene -
pp. 3173-3175
J. Nosek Modifikationen der Frankland-Reaktion III. Über die Reaktion von aktiviertem Zinn mit Alkyljodiden -
pp. 3176-3178
J. Kamiš Alkylierung von 4-Alkylphenolen mit Isobutylen an einem Kationenaustauscher II. Alkylierung von 2,4- und 3,4-Dimethylphenol -
pp. 3178-3181
J. Beneš, M. Dobiášová and K. Vereš Synthesis of methylmalonic acid-14CH3; Side reactions in the alkylation of ethyl malonate -
pp. 3182-3184
M. Soukup Separation of humic substances by gel filtration on Sephadex -
pp. 3184-3210
R. Zahradník, J. Michl and J. Koutecký Tables of quantum chemical data. III. Molecular orbitals of some fluoranthene-like hydrocarbons, cyclopentadienyl, and some of its benzo and naphtho derivatives
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.