- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1966, Volume 31, Issue 4
pp. 1429-1438
J. Toušek and M. Pražák Passivität des Eisens in konzentrierter Schwefelsäure -
pp. 1439-1452
L. Bartovská, Č. Černý and A. Kochanovská Chemische Gleichgewichte in heterogenen Systemen I. Anomales Verhalten von Wolfram(IV)-sulfid bei der Reduktion durch Wasserstoff -
pp. 1453-1460
V. Holba On the aquation of cis-diazidobis(ethylenediamine)chromium(III)-ions -
pp. 1461-1474
K. Holub Surface reaction of an adsorbed substance transported by diffusion towards the dropping electrode -
pp. 1475-1482
J. Michl and R. Zahradník Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. VI. An HMO study of ions of the cyclopentadienyl series -
pp. 1483-1492
J. Polák Heat of vaporization and cohesion energy of liquids -
pp. 1493-1500
F. Kepák Sorption of small amounts of radioiodine as iodide anions on hydrated ferric oxide containing silver -
pp. 1501-1512
J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XIX. The Claisen condensation of N-ethyldiacetamide in a system of sodium salt of N-ethylacetamide and N-ethylacetamide -
pp. 1513-1527
L. Rosík and V. Svoboda Diene polymerization with complex catalysts. II. The effect of decomposition products of Ziegler catalyst in oxidative degradation of cis-1,4 polyisoprene -
pp. 1528-1534
A. Holý and J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XI. Synthesis of ribonucleoside-2',3' cyclophosphates from nucleosides via nucleoside 2',3'-phosphites -
pp. 1535-1543
J. Farkaš Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXIX. Synthesis of methyl 1-deoxy-D-psicofuranosides substituted at C(1) with halo atoms or a mercapto group -
pp. 1544-1561
A. Holý and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXX. Preparation of nucleoside phosphites by reacion of nucleosides with triphenyl phosphite -
pp. 1562-1568
A. Holý and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXXI. A selective synthesis of ribonucleoside-2'(3') phosphites -
pp. 1569-1577
J. Rosík, V. Zitko and J. Kubala Structure of sour cherry-tree gum (Prunus cerasus L.) -
pp. 1578-1584
J. Šrogl and J. Peterek Experiments in the furan series. V. Reactions of nitration intermediates of furan compounds -
pp. 1585-1595
M. Streibl and F. Šorm Über die Zusammensetzung der Braunkohle XI. Über weitere, namentlich ungesättigte Kohlenwasserstoffe des Montanwachses -
pp. 1596-1603
P. Mäsiar and A. Šofranková Decomposition of proteins in antitetanic sera during storage -
pp. 1604-1627
L. Morávek, I. Kluh, J. M. Junge, B. Meloun and F. Šorm On proteins. CIII. Structure of peptides isolated from chymotryptic digest of bovine S-carboxymethyl-chymotrypsinogen A -
pp. 1628-1635
T. Boublík and E. Hála Solubility of gases in mixed solvents -
pp. 1636-1643
M. Smutek Crystallisation equilibria. I. Temperature dependence of equilibrium composition -
pp. 1644-1654
O. Fischer, O. Dračka and J. Štěpánek Studium der Kinetik von Elektrodenvorgängen mit Hilfe der Elektrolyse mit konstantem Strom X. Bedeckung der Elektrodenoberfläche mit einem wenig löslichen Depolarisationsprodukt -
pp. 1655-1665
K. Holub Surface reaction of an adsorbed substance transported by diffusion to a spherical surface -
pp. 1666-1676
J. Kubias Durch Silber katalysierte Oxydation von Alkoholatanionen -
pp. 1677-1684
D. Jakeš, H. Landsperský, L. Sedláková and J. Šulc Effect of some preparation conditions on the surface area and structure of ammonium polyuranate -
pp. 1685-1694
J. Procházka and J. Landau Studies on extraction IV. Relationship between the efficiency and mass transfer coefficient for extraction with back-mixing -
pp. 1695-1711
F. Souhrada, J. Procházka and J. Landau Studies on extraction V. Determination of back-mixing and efficiency of stagewise extractors -
pp. 1712-1741
J. Gasparič, I. Gemzová and D. Šnobl Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen LIX. Untersuchung über die Beziehung zwischen der Struktur und dem chromatographischen Verhalten wasserunlöslicher Azofarbstoffe -
pp. 1742-1751
Z. Slovák and M. Přibyl Spektralphotometrische Zinkbestimmung mit Rhodamin B -
pp. 1752-1784
V. Černý, A. Kasal and F. Šorm On steroids. XCVI. Preparation and properties of some 18-oxygenated 18-homopregnane derivatives. A novel reaction of cyanogen bromide with amino alcohols and amino ketones -
pp. 1785-1802
S. Chládek, J. Žemlička and F. Šorm Oligonucleotidic compounds. XII. Synthesis of cytidylyl-(3'→5')-cytidylyl-(3'→5')-adenosine (CpCpA), an acceptor sequence of soluble ribonucleic acid -
pp. 1803-1812
J. Jarý and K. Kefurt Über Lactone IX. Alkalische Epoxydierung der Parasorbinsäure -
pp. 1813-1823
F. Jošt, Z. Pelzbauer and V. Bažant Organosiliciumverbindungen XLVIII. Über die nichtsiliciumhaltigen Zersetzungsprodukte bei der direkten Synthese der Phenylchlorsilane -
pp. 1824-1830
A. Černý, R. Kotva, V. Francová, Z. Franc, K. Ráž and M. Semonský Substanzen mit antineoplastischer Wirksamkeit XIV. Einige im kern hydroxylierte 6-(4-Carboxybutyl)- und 6-(2-Carboxyäthyl)thiopurine -
pp. 1831-1838
J. V. Černý and J. Poláček Ringerweiterung und Ringverengerung über das Sulfoniumsalz -
pp. 1839-1847
J. Pospíšil and L. Taimr Antioxydation agents and stabilizers. XI. The synthesis of 1,1,3,3,5,5-hexamethylhexylphenols -
pp. 1848-1853
A. Zobáčová and J. Jarý Über Aminozucker VI. Synthese von Derivaten der 2,6-Diamino-2,6-didesoxy-D-allose -
pp. 1854-1863
K. Čapek, J. Šteffková and J. Jarý Über Aminozucker VII. Partielle Acetylierung und Entacetylierung von Methyl-3-amino-3,6-didesoxy-α-L-glucopyranosid-Derivaten -
pp. 1864-1871
J. Piťha, P. Fiedler and J. Gut Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXXII. The fine structure of 6-azaisocytosine and its derivatives -
pp. 1872-1875
A. Snížková and J. Vacík Effect of the specific surface on the chromatographic distribution function -
pp. 1875-1876
F. Kůtek Beiträge zur Chemie der seltenen Erden XXVII. Zur Herstellung von wasserfreiem Gallium(III)- und Indium(III)-jodid -
pp. 1877-1881
F. Souhrada, J. Procházka and J. Landau Studies on extraction. VI. Back-mixing in single-phase flow in a stagewise process -
pp. 1881-1885
J. Dvořák, M. Krejcarová, J. Kučerová and B. Žižka Einfluss von Äthylalkohol auf den Ausnutzungsgrad der analysierten Lösung am Flammenphotometer mit vorgeschalteter Nebelkammer -
pp. 1886-1890
M. Chmelařová, M. Chmelař and B. Večerek Fluorimetrie VI. Über die fluorimetrische Bestimmung der Aktivität unspezifischer Esterasen im biologischen Material -
pp. 1890-1893
V. Kulhánek and C. Fišer Einfache kolorimetrische Methode zur Chloridbestimmung in biologischem Material -
pp. 1893-1896
K. Dušek Temperaturabhängigkeit der ungestörten Dimensionen von Polystyrol-Ketten bei 30-80 ºC aus thermoelastischen Messungen -
pp. 1896-1901
P. Schmidt and B. Schneider On the structure and properties of polyamides. XXV. Infrared study of deuterium exchange of amide hydrogen in polycaprolactam -
pp. 1902-1904
M. Lazár and F. Szöcs A contribution to the ESR spectrum of polymethylmethacrylate radicals -
pp. 1904-1908
B. Obereigner, J. Petránek and J. Pospíšil Beitrag zur Reaktion von Propylenoxid mit Phosphortrichlorid, Titan- und Germaniumtetrachlorid -
pp. 1908-1909
J. Pitra and J. Štěrba Cardiotonic glycosides. VI. A by-product of base catalysed deacetylation of lanatoside B -
pp. 1910-1913
O. Červinka and O. Kříž Asymmetric reactions. X. Configuration on asymmetric nitrogen and phosphorus
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.