- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1966, Volume 31, Issue 5
pp. 1915-1933
Č. Černý and E. Erdös Similarity in statistical thermodynamics. II. Thermodynamic similarity of simple gaseous molecules and ions -
pp. 1934-1949
Č. Černý and E. Erdös Similarity in statistical thermodynamics. III. Approximate calculations of temperature dependences of thermodynamic quantities and of first order corrections of simple gaseous molecules -
pp. 1950-1957
M. Křivánek, V. Daneš and V. Nikolajenko Catalytic hydrogenation activity of nickel prepared by thermal decomposition of nickel(II)-oxalate. II. Time changes of the activity of nickel in the hydrogenation of benzene -
pp. 1958-1974
I. Pavlík and K. Handlíř Donor-acceptor complexes of 1,1'-diacetylferrocene with aluminium chloride, aluminium bromide and titanium chloride -
pp. 1975-1984
S. Heřmánek and J. Plešek Chemistry of boranes. III. Relationship between structure and chromatographic behaviour of boranes and their addition compounds with Lewis bases -
pp. 1985-1991
I. Pavlík and V. Žížek Acetylferricinium salts -
pp. 1992-1998
J. Landau, J. Procházka and Z. Lutovský Studies on extraction. VII. Calculation of stagewise extraction with back-mixing -
pp. 1999-2004
K. Študlar Extraktion von Elementen aus einer Schwefelsäure- und Kaliumbromidlösung in nichtpolare Lösungsmittel I. Einführende Mitteilung -
pp. 2005-2013
M. Heřman, Z. Šulcek and J. Zýka Oxydimetrische Kobalt- und Manganbestimmung mittels einer Ferricyanidmasslösung im Medium einiger Aminoalkohole -
pp. 2014-2024
J. Gut, D. Hesoun and A. Nováček Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXXIII. Synthesis of 3-amino-2,5-dihydro-1,2,4-triazin-5-one (azaisocytosine) and its N-substituted derivatives -
pp. 2025-2033
O. Motl, M. Romaňuk and V. Herout On terpenes. CLXXVIII. Composition of the oil from Amorpha fruticosa L. fruits structure of (-)-γ-amorphene -
pp. 2034-2047
L. Lábler, Z. Samek, J. Smolíková and F. Šorm On steroids. XCVII. Isolation and structure of some secondary formed weak bases from Holarrhena antidysenterica -
pp. 2048-2058
J. Jarý, V. Heřmánková and J. Kovář Über Aminozucker VIII. Darstellung von Derivaten der 3,6-Diamino-3,6-didesoxy-D-allose -
pp. 2059-2067
J. Jarý and K. Kefurt Über Lactone X. δ-Lacton der 4,6-Didesoxy-L-xylohexonsäure -
pp. 2068-2072
Z. Čekan, M. Tichá and I. Bartošek Hydrolysis of esters of androstane derivatives by rat liver homogenate relationship between the rate of hydrolysis and structure -
pp. 2073-2082
A. Kopecký Über den Bauman-Wheaton-Effekt bei der Trennung von Glycerin und Natriumchlorid mit Hilfe des Elektrolyt-Vorlaufverfahrens -
pp. 2083-2092
I. Pavlík and V. Plecháček Über das IR-spektrum von deuteriertem Ferricinium -
pp. 2093-2104
V. Baran Scheme of the energy levels of uranyl in the lowest excited state derived by means of the absorption spectra of the hydroxo complexes -
pp. 2105-2126
V. Vetterl Differentielle Kapazität der elektrolytischen Doppelschicht in Anwesenheit einiger Purin- und Pyrimidinderivate -
pp. 2127-2136
J. Nývlt, J. Skřivánek, J. Gottfried and J. Křičková Über Kristallisation XIX. Einfluss der Durchmischung auf die Breite der metastabilen Zone -
pp. 2137-2143
V. Glaser and I. Roušar Calculation of the rate of a half-order reaction proceeding in pores of a catalyst -
pp. 2144-2158
Z. Aunický Pressure surge in long pipelines -
pp. 2159-2166
G. Standart and M. Rylek Studies on distillation. VII. Rate of dissipation of energy in the foam layer on a plate -
pp. 2167-2174
L. Macholán Beitrag zur spektrophotometrischen Bestimmung der enzymatischen Oxydation von aliphatischen Diaminen -
pp. 2175-2185
F. Hrabák and I. Horáček Reaktion von Chloroprenperoxid mit der Leukobase des Methylenblaus -
pp. 2186-2201
J. Janáček and J. Hasa Structure and properties of hydrophilic polymers and their gels. VI. Equilibrium deformation behaviour of polyethyleneglycol methacrylate and polydiethyleneglycol methacrylate networks prepared in the presence of a diluent and swollen with water -
pp. 2202-2217
S. Landa and A. Mrnková Über die Hydrogenolyse von Schwefelverbindungen in Gegenwart von Molybdändisulfid -
pp. 2218-2230
M. Šafář, K. Kochloefl and V. Bažant Hydrogenolysis of 2-alkylcyclanones on a nickel catalyst -
pp. 2231-2237
V. Černý and F. Šorm On steroids. XCVIII. Preparation of some steroidal dihydropyrane derivatives -
pp. 2238-2256
J. Sicher, M. Tichý and F. Šipoš Stereochemical studies. XXXVII. Dissociation constants of some 2-methylcyclohexanecarboxylic acids. Conformational equilibria and the preferred rotational conformations of the carboxyl group on the cyclohexane ring -
pp. 2257-2259
M. Sluyters-Rehbach and J. H. Sluyters On the frequency-dependence of the peak height in alternating current polarography -
pp. 2259-2263
J. Michl and R. Zahradník Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. VIII. -
pp. 2264-2268
F. P. Dousek, J. Jindra and M. Svatá Influence of pressing pressure and sintering temperature on properties of protective layers of fuel cell electrodes -
pp. 2269-2272
B. Stehlík and J. Nedbálková Kinetik der Silber(III)-oxidbildung bei der Silber(I)-ionenoxydation mittels Kaliumperoxodisulfats -
pp. 2273-2278
F. Kůtek and F. Jursík Verbindungen des Kupfer(II)-glycinats mit Ammoniak -
pp. 2278-2281
P. Drienovský Pyrolysis of polystyrene at temperature 500-1050 °C -
pp. 2282-2286
A. Zobáčová and J. Jarý Über Aminozucker IX. Synthese von Derivaten der 3,6-Diamino-3,6-didesoxy-D-idose
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.