- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1966, Volume 31, Issue 8
pp. 3023-3030
M. Křivánek, A. M. Rubinštejn, A. A. Slinkin, V. Nikolajenko and V. Zavadil Einfluss des pH beim Fällen von Calcium-nickel-phosphaten auf deren katalytische Dehydrierungsaktivität -
pp. 3031-3041
Č. Černý and L. Bartovská Chemical equilibria in heterogeneous systems. II. The system chromium-iodine at higher temperatures -
pp. 3042-3051
F. Štráfelda and E. Singer Stationäre Wismutelektrode und rotierende Elektrode mit kontinuierlicher Wiederherstellung der Wismutoberfläche durch Abwischen -
pp. 3052-3059
S. Stoylov Light scattering by colloid solutions in an electric field. II. Evaluation of experimental results and check of the theory -
pp. 3060-3067
J. Plešek and S. Heřmánek On synthesis and properties of magnesium aluminium hydride -
pp. 3068-3082
L. Milička and M. Urban Untersuchung der photochemischen Reduktion von Kaliumbichromat in wässrigen und kolloiden Lösungen -
pp. 3083-3090
J. Toušek Beitrag zur Nickelpassivität -
pp. 3091-3103
R. Polák Calculations of models of the σ-electron structure of molecules. I. Ethylene; A bicentric and a polycentric semiempirical approach -
pp. 3104-3118
M. Smutek Crystallization equilibria. II. Numerical treatment of solubility data for binary eutectic systems -
pp. 3119-3126
J. Klas Errors of the method of direct and inverse isotope dilution analysis caused by inexactness of the radioactivity measurements of the samples and background -
pp. 3127-3139
V. Suk Chemische Indikatoren VI. Säurebasische Eigenschaften von Pyrogallol- und Brompyrogallolrot -
pp. 3140-3153
J. Ševčík and J. Číhalík Verwendung von Jod(I)-chlorid in der analytischen Chemie XIII. Bestimmung von Wolfram -
pp. 3154-3162
H. Pivcová and B. Schneider On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. VI. Analysis of NMR spectra of methine protons in 2,4-dichloropentane and 2,4,6-trichloroheptane -
pp. 3163-3173
E. Říhová and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. VIII. Intramolecular epoxidation in ring E; Hydroxy derivatives of 20β,28- and 21β,28-epoxytaraxastane -
pp. 3174-3181
J. Kinot, M. Krumpolc and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. IX. Reaction of isomeric 2,3-epoxides with Grignard reagent -
pp. 3182-3188
K. Waisser and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. X. Preparation of 1-hydroxy-19β,28-epoxy-18αH-olean-2-enes -
pp. 3189-3197
J. Horák The reactions of trichloromethanesulfenylchloride and its derivatives. IV. Reactions of esters, thioesters and amides of trichloromethanesulfenic acid with sodium methoxide and the sodium salt of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole -
pp. 3198-3212
J. Žemlička, S. Chládek, A. Holý and J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XIV. Synthesis of some diribonucleoside phosphates using the N-dimethylaminomethylene derivatives of 2',3'-O-ethoxymethylene ribonucleosides -
pp. 3213-3221
J. Jarkovský, J. Šejvl and Z. J. Allan Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXVI. Darstellungsversuche makrocyclischer Azofarbstoffe und Darstellung der 2-Amino-7-hydroxynaphthalin-6-sulfonsäure -
pp. 3222-3251
O. Exner Additive physical properties. I. General relationships and problems of statistical nature -
pp. 3252-3262
Z. Prášil To the theory of radiation chemistry. I. Application of principles of the simplified quasi-equilibrium theory of mass spectra to the determination of radiation chemical yields of a gas phase radiolysis -
pp. 3263-3279
Z. Prášil To the theory of radiation chemistry. II. Calculation of relative radiation chemical yields of the phase radiolysis of methanol -
pp. 3280-3286
Z. Jerman Beitrag zur Untersuchung der Hydrolyse von Sulfatlösungen des vierwertigen Titans -
pp. 3287-3298
J. Vepřek-Šiška, A. Šolcová and D. M. Wagnerová Einäquivalent-Oxydationen III. Kinetik der Sulfitoxydation mittels Pentacyanoaquoferrats(III) -
pp. 3299-3308
S. Sýkora and B. Navrátil Heat transfer on scraped walls -
pp. 3309-3314
M. Vobecký, A. Maštalka and J. Mareček Determination of lanthanides in uranium by activation analysis -
pp. 3315-3330
Z. Bukač and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XXII. Preparation and properties of some N-alkylacetoacetamides and their hydrolysis in acid and alkaline media -
pp. 3331-3344
J. Šebenda and B. Masař Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XXIII. End groups of polymers prepared by non-activated alkaline polymerization of caprolactam -
pp. 3345-3352
V. Preininger, A. D. Cross and F. Šantavý Isolation and chemistry of the alkaloids from some plants of the genus Papaver. XXXIII. On the constitution of latericine -
pp. 3353-3361
J. Rosík, V. Zitko, Š. Bauer and J. Kubala A polysaccharide from the wild cherry tree gum (Prunus avium L. subsp. avium) -
pp. 3362-3372
L. Slavíková and J. Slavík Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXXIII. Über die Alkaloide von drei Arten der Gattung Eschscholtzia und über die Konstitution des neuen Alkaloids Escholamin -
pp. 3373-3382
A. Zabża, M. Romaňuk and V. Herout On terpenes. CLXXX. The structure of two muurolenes from turpentine of Pinus silvestris L. -
pp. 3383-3391
M. Teleha and P. Mäsiar On haemoglobin. XXI. Some differences between primary structures of hemoglobins of man and monkey (Macacus rhesus) -
pp. 3392-3396
V. Patrovský Untersuchung der Reaktion von Vanadin(IV) mit Brenzcatechin -
pp. 3396-3399
J. Horák and A. Okáč Reaktion der Pyrrogallolcarbonsäure mit Ionen der alkalischen Erden -
pp. 3399-3401
Z. Strnad Chromatographische Trennung eines Gemisches von N2, O2, CO2 und SO2 -
pp. 3402-3405
J. Hrivňák and I. Pastorek Studies of the gas chromatographic separation of O,O-dialkyl-O-(4-nitrophenyl)thiophosphates -
pp. 3405-3409
J. Kálal, S. Doszlop and F. Švec Ein Beitrag zur Klärung der Funktion von RhCl3 bei der stereospezifischen Emulsionspolymerisation des Butadiens -
pp. 3410-3415
J. Rosík, M. Bruteničová-Sósková, V. Zitko and J. Kubala Polysaccharides from the blackthorn gum (Prunus spinosa L.) -
pp. 3415-3418
A. Černý and M. Semonský Mutterkornalkaloide XXIX. Über die Synthese der Amide der D-Dihydrolysergsäure(I) und 1-Methyl-D-dihydrolysergsäure(I) durch Kondensation der primären Amine mit Säuren -
pp. 3418-3421
Z. J. Allan and J. Podstata Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXVII. Austausch der Nitrogruppe gegen Chlor in o-Nitrobenzoldiazoniumsalzen -
pp. 3421-3425
J. Skřivanová, S. Hynie and F. Chytil Protective effect of substrate on the formation of the inactive form of liver tryptophan pyrrolase in rats -
pp. 3425-3427
J. Tichý Contribution to the theory of mass transfer in a turbulent medium
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.