- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1968, Volume 33, Issue 8
pp. 2355-2362
L. Bartovská, T. Bartovský and Č. Černý Chemical equilibria in heterogeneous systems. III. The system iron-iodine at higher temperatures -
pp. 2363-2369
M. Březina, J. Jindra and J. Mrha Study of catalysts for fuel cell electrodes. XI. Evaluation of carbon activity with respect to electrochemical reduction of oxygen and decomposition of hydrogen peroxide -
pp. 2370-2380
O. Fischer, O. Dračka and J. V. Stenina-Jakovleva Study of the kinetics of electrode processes by means of electrolysis with constant current. XII. A chemical change of the electroreduction product to a reversibly oxidizable substance -
pp. 2381-2387
E. Fischerová and S. Standara Elektrokapillarkurven für die Grenzfläche von Quecksilber und zehntelnormalem Lithiumchlorid in Aceton-Wassergemischen -
pp. 2388-2396
B. Kadlec and A. Regner Oxidation of sulphur dioxide on vanadium catalyst in the region of internal diffusion. I. Theoretical part -
pp. 2397-2404
F. Petrů and B. Dušek Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LIII. Thermische Zersetzung von Bromaten der Seltenerden -
pp. 2405-2414
F. Březina Salze der Apfelsäure mit Elementen der Seltenerden -
pp. 2415-2428
J. Čermák Heat and mass transfer from the surface of a solid spherical particle in a laminar stream -
pp. 2429-2435
S. Lukáč Gas chromatographic analysis of polyphenyls -
pp. 2436-2448
V. Zapletal, J. Soukup, V. Růžička and K. Kolomazník Untersuchung der Hydrierungs- und Dehydrierungskatalysatoren I. Einfluss der Aufbewahrungsart des Raney-Nickels W-4 auf dessen Aktivität und die Bindung des sorbierten Wasserstoffs -
pp. 2449-2457
K. Kolomazník, V. Růžička, J. Soukup and V. Zapletal Untersuchung der Hydrierungs- und Dehydrierungskatalysatoren II. Abhängigkeit der Aktivität des Nickelkatalysators auf Kieselgur-Träger von den Reduktionsbedingungen -
pp. 2458-2469
Š. Korček, J. Baxa and V. Veselý Über die Oxydation von Schmierölen IX. Zur Oxydationsbeständigkeit schwefelhaltiger viskoser Öle in Anwesenheit von Bis-(2-hydroxy-3-tert-butyl-5-methylphenyl)methan -
pp. 2470-2484
J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XXV. Synthesis of uridylyl-(3'→5')-deoxyguanylyl-(3'→5')-deoxyguanylyl-(3'→5')-uridine and its dihydrouridine analogue -
pp. 2485-2493
K. Waisser, J. Zelinka and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. XIV. The stereochemistry of 1-hydroxytriterpenes -
pp. 2494-2501
A. Šilhánková, M. Holík and M. Ferles Studies in the pyridine series. XXVI. Reduction of some dialkylpyridines and their methiodides with aluminum hydride -
pp. 2502-2512
Z. Vrba and Z. J. Allan Sulfurierungen XII. Über den Sulfurierungsmechanismus von Anilin mit Schwefelsäure -
pp. 2513-2517
K. Kalfus 3-Hydrazino-1,2,4-triazines -
pp. 2518-2525
M. Kubačková, Š. Karácsonyi and J. Hrivňák The degree of branching of 4-O-methylglucuronoxylan from white willow (Salix alba L.) -
pp. 2526-2539
B. Kadlec and V. Pour Oxidation of sulphur dioxide on a vanadium catalyst in the region of internal diffusion. II. Experimental study -
pp. 2540-2547
A. Regner and A. Šimeček Kinetics and mechanism of sulphur dioxide oxidation on a vanadium catalyst. III. Correlation of the data with equations derived for the reduction-oxidation mechanism -
pp. 2548-2559
P. Zuman Polarographic reduction of aldehydes and ketones. I. General reduction scheme -
pp. 2560-2583
J. Volke and A. M. Kardoš Change of mechanism with electrode potential in the electrochemical reduction of cyanopyridines -
pp. 2584-2597
V. Svoboda, V. Hynek and J. Pick Liquid-vapour equilibrium. XXXVIII. Simultaneous determination of vapour-liquid equilibrium and integral isobaric evaporation heat of a mixture -
pp. 2598-2607
V. Bekárek and E. Hála Liquid-vapour equilibrium. XXXIX. Liquid-vapour equilibrium in systems of components with widely differing volatilities -
pp. 2608-2619
V. Bekárek Liquid-vapour equilibrium. XL. Liquid-vapour equilibrium in the systems SO2-CH3COOH3-CH3OH and SO2-CH3COH3-CH3OH -
pp. 2620-2635
J. Beňa, I. Havalda, M. Bafrnec and J. Ilavský The velocities at incipient fluidization of polydisperse materials. I. Theoretical -
pp. 2636-2645
V. Staněk and V. Kolář Distribution of liquid over a random packing. V. Dependence of the coefficient of radial spreading of liquid D on the size and form of the packing element and on the mean density of wetting -
pp. 2646-2655
D. Belluš, P. Hrdlovič and P. Sláma Photo-fries rearrangement. I. The calculation of quantum yields -
pp. 2656-2665
K. Wiesner The structure of ryanodine -
pp. 2666-2680
E. Adlerová, I. Ernest, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen XXVII. Über das 8-Nitro- und 8-Aminoderivat des 10-(4-Methylpiperazino)-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepins -
pp. 2681-2689
L. Fišnerová, O. Němeček and V. Musil Über ein neues Darstellungsverfahren von 1,2-Diphenyl-3,5-dioxypyrazolidin-, 1,3-Dimethyl- und 1,3-Diphenylbarbitursäure-Derivaten -
pp. 2690-2697
M. Semonský, V. Zikán, H. Škvorová and B. Kakáč Substanzen mit antineoplastischer Wirkung XXIV. Kondensationsprodukte der Mucochlorsäure und ihres Bromanalogon mit einigen Arylmethylketonen -
pp. 2698-2705
M. Semonský, A. Černý, R. Kotva, V. Zikán and B. Kakáč Substances with antineoplastic activity. XXV. Some γ-alkal-α,β-dichloro(dibromo)-Δα,β-crotonolactones; Products of condensation of γ-methyl-α,β-dibromo-Δα,β-crotonolactone with some primary amines -
pp. 2706-2708
V. Pour and B. Kadlec Isothermal effectiveness factor of a half-order reaction in a spherical catalyst particle -
pp. 2709-2714
A. Šimeček, J. Michálek and A. Regner Kinetics and mechanism of sulphur dioxide oxidation on a vanadium catalyst. II. Correlation of data with the aid of equations derived for the adsorption mechanism -
pp. 2715-2719
A. Tockstein and M. Matušek Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektrodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik. V. Verfahren zur Berechnung der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten aus einem E-t-Kurvensystem -
pp. 2720-2722
F. Petrů, J. Hradilová and B. Hájek Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LII. Thermische Zersetzung der Hexahydrate des Scandiumchlorids und -Bromids -
pp. 2722-2727
V. Kolář and Z. Brož Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. III. Evaluation of experimental data -
pp. 2728-2731
V. Kolář and J. Tichý Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. IV. Flooding -
pp. 2731-2734
J. Alexa Ion exchange chromatography of rare earths in aqueous organic media. VI. Stability constants of terbium with α-hydroxyisobutyric acid in the system methanol-water -
pp. 2734-2737
V. Lisý, F. Eckstein and J. Škoda The reduced ability of guanylyldiuridine phosphorothioate, GpUp=SU to stimulate binding of [14C]valyl-tRNA to ribosomes
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.