- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1973, Volume 38, Issue 6
pp. 1623-1634
K. Eckschlager and J. Vepřek-Šiška Catalyzed oxidation of hydroquinone with hydrogen peroxide -
pp. 1635-1654
Z. Brož and V. Kolář Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing. IX. The diagram of regimes in trickle and bubble flow beds -
pp. 1655-1658
M. Šafář, V. Galík, Z. Kafka and S. Landa Chromatographic separation of nitrogen-containing substances in the system gas-liquid. III. Separation of some 1-alkylpiperidines -
pp. 1659-1667
J. Lasovský and E. Ružička Reaktion von Uranylionen mit Florein -
pp. 1668-1673
A. Mistr and R. Zahradník Organic light-sensitive compounds. IV. Mechanism of sensitization of light-sensitive polymers by pyrylium salts -
pp. 1674-1678
J. Pola and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XCVIII. The structure of 1-oxa-2-silacyclohexanes and α-trimethylsilyl-ω-trimethylsiloxyalkanes -
pp. 1679-1692
L. Kalvoda Acid-catalysed C-ribofuranosylation of benzene derivatives; Some novel conversions of C-ribofuranosyl derivatives -
pp. 1693-1699
V. Bártl, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic agents. LXI. Derivatives of 6-piperazinobenzo[b]pyrido[3,2-f]thiepin -
pp. 1700-1704
R. Kada, J. Kováč, A. Jurášek and L. Dávid On benzimidazoles. VIII. Preparation and properties of 2-phenylfurylbenzimidazoles -
pp. 1705-1711
A. Jurášek and J. Kováč Furan derivatives. XLV. α,β-Unsaturated sulphones of the 5-nitrofuran series -
pp. 1712-1713
F. Šantavý and L. Hruban Substances from the plants of the subfamily Wurmbaeoideae and their derivatives. LXXVII. Bechuanine - An enantiomer of floramultine -
pp. 1714-1718
J. Tenygl and B. Fleet A coulometric oxygen analyzer based on a porous catalytic electrode with vacuum controlled active surface area -
pp. 1719-1723
D. G. Lovering Polarographic studies in aqueous melts. II. The charge dependence of ion transport -
pp. 1724-1729
H. Slosiariková and S. Mocik Study of urea complexes with montmorillonite -
pp. 1730-1736
J. Podlaha and J. Podlahová Compounds structurally related to complexone I. Tris(cabroxyethyl)phosphine -
pp. 1737-1749
I. Fořt, M. Hrubý and P. Mošna Studies on mixing. XXXVI. Axial high-speed rotary mixer as an axially symmetrical turbulent jet -
pp. 1750-1753
J. Klas Einige Probleme der quantitativen Niederschlagsausscheidung aus einer Lösung II. Empfindlichkeit von Fällungsreaktionen -
pp. 1754-1759
J. Fulek and V. Šedivec Determination of toxic substances and their metabolites in biological fluids by gas chromatography. VII. Toluric or toluic acids in urine -
pp. 1760-1763
M. Remeš, V. Zvěřina, A. Spěvák, J. Diviš and M. Matrka Analyse von Farbstoffen und von bei der Farbstofferzeugung anfallenden Zwischenprodukten XXIII. Titration von Dialkylaminen mit einer 4-Toluoldiazoniumchloridmasslösung -
pp. 1764-1770
M. E. Ovsepyan, A. V. Gevorkyan, A. Sh. Safarov and L. Kh. Simonyan Study of the compatibilities of macromolecules of polar polymers in solutions -
pp. 1771-1774
M. Ilavský Effect of the reference chain dimensions on the viscoelastic birefringence of polymer networks -
pp. 1775-1779
I. Horáček and F. Hrabák Preparation and characterization of N-acryloyl-p-aminophenylacetic acid and its polymer -
pp. 1780-1782
V. Halaška and L. Lochmann Aggregation of α-lithio esters of carboxylic acids -
pp. 1783-1785
P. Svoboda, P. Sedlmayer and J. Hetflejš Catalysis by metal complexes. XI. Selective hydrosilylation of styrene catalysed by di-μ-carbonyldi-π-cyclopentadienyldinickel -
pp. 1786-1790
I. Šimůnek and M. Kraus Properties of sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminium hydride. XIV. Dehalogenation in the presence of palladium complexes -
pp. 1791-1803
S. Vašíčková, A. Vítek and M. Tichý Stereochemical studies. LXXIII. Conformational equilibria in 3-hydroxypiperidine and in some of its methyl derivatives -
pp. 1804-1808
M. Holub, Z. Samek, D. P. Popa and V. Herout On terpenes. CCXXVIII. The structure of the sesquiterpenic lactone silerolide -
pp. 1809-1813
R. Frimm, Ľ. Fišera and J. Kováč Thiophene derivatives. I. Preparation of substituted 5-phenyl-2-thiophenecarbaldehydes
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.