- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1975, Volume 40, Issue 5
pp. 1279-1288
Z. Kováčová and I. Žežula Zur anodischen Depolarisation der Quecksilbertropfelektrode durch Sulfid- und Polysulfid-Anionen -
pp. 1289-1295
A. L. Cykalo and V. I. Los Determination of fifth virial coefficient of hard non-spheric molecules -
pp. 1296-1315
J. Toužín and P. Bauer Donator-Akzeptorkomplexe des Selen(VI)-oxids mit Pyridin -
pp. 1316-1321
J. Toužín and E. Chroboková Donator-Akzeptorkomplex (2 C5H5N·Se2O5)n -
pp. 1322-1333
J. Toužín, P. Bauer and M. Jaroš Reaktion des Selen(VI)-oxids mit Arsen(III)-chlorid -
pp. 1334-1340
E. Kálalová, J. Ederová and A. Bečvářová Thermische Zersetzung des Yttriumsalzes der Hydroxoapfelsäure. Berechnung der kinetischen Parameter -
pp. 1341-1344
E. Hillerová and Z. Šír Determination of the Si-Si bond in perphenylated oligosilanes -
pp. 1345-1357
F. Vláčil, Bassam M. Sayeh and J. Koucký Protolytic distribution and some other equilibria of C7 β-diketones -
pp. 1358-1366
F. Vláčil and Bassam M. Sayeh Extraction of metal chelates with 3,5-heptanedione and 5-methyl-2,4-hexanedione -
pp. 1367-1373
M. Prusíková and J. Pospíšil Antioxidative effects of spirobiindanols and 2-alkoxyphenols in tetralin -
pp. 1374-1383
J. Jambor and L. Beránek Kinetics of parallel dehydrogenation and dehydration of 2-propanol on oxide catalysts -
pp. 1384-1389
V. Krchňák and Z. Arnold Preparation and some reactions of 2,5-substituted pyrimidines -
pp. 1390-1395
V. Krchňák and Z. Arnold Diazotisation of the amino group on the pyrimidine nucleus -
pp. 1396-1402
V. Krchňák and Z. Arnold Novel pyrimidine derivatives, reactions and ultraviolet spectra -
pp. 1403-1410
Z. Veselý, J. Holubek, H. Kopecká and J. Trojánek Thermal decomposition of 10,11-methylenedioxy-3,4,12-trimethoxy-7,8,13,13a-tetrahydro-5H-isoindolo[1,2-b] [3]benzazepine methohydroxide -
pp. 1411-1425
J. Frgala, M. Černý and J. Staněk, jr Preparation of alkyl 1-thio-β-D-galactopyranosides substituted in the alkyl with reactive groups -
pp. 1426-1440
J. Klinot, M. Buděšínský, M. Kliment, S. Hilgard and A. Vystrčil Conformation of ring A of 1,2-disubstituted triterpenes. Geometry and stability of the boat form -
pp. 1441-1452
F. Liška, V. Dědek, Z. Chvátal and L. Cvak Reaction of 1-(fluoroalkyl)alkanols with N-(1,1,2-trifluoro-2-chloroethyl)diethylamine -
pp. 1453-1460
V. Mézešová, H. Ďurdíková, F. Saloň and V. Mézeš Chemical structure of soluble lipoproteins of brain -
pp. 1461-1465
J. Vaněčková, J. Barthová, T. Barth, I. Krejčí and I. Rychlík Isolation of antibodies to [8-lysine]-vasopressin by affinity chromatography -
pp. 1466-1477
M. Hartman Sulphur dioxide reactivity of commercial limestones -
pp. 1478-1484
M. Miadoková and E. Majeská Kinetik und Mechanismus des Cadmiumlösungsverlaufs in Natriumhydroxid -
pp. 1485-1489
T. V. Nghi and F. Vydra The stripping voltammetric determination of silver in non-aqueous medium after extraction with dithizone -
pp. 1490-1503
L. Luong and F. Vydra Stripping chronopotentiometry with a glassy carbon disc electrode: Fundamental factors and comparison with stripping voltammetry -
pp. 1504-1510
D. Zacharová-Kalavská and A. Košturiak Polarographic study of hydrolysis of 3-(3-chlorophenyl)iminooxindole -
pp. 1511-1523
O. Wein, P. Mitschka and K. Wichterle Couette-Strömung thixotroper Substanzen bei Vibration -
pp. 1524-1533
B. Lánská and J. Šebenda Endgroups and molecular weights in the polymerization of lactams initiated with carboxylic acids under anhydrous conditions -
pp. 1534-1537
M. Šorm and S. Nešpůrek Photochromism of 4-isopropenyl-3-phenylsydnone and its dimer -
pp. 1538-1541
J. Dědina and J. Schraml Nuclear Overhauser effect and 1H-NMR spectrum of 1,2-dimethoxy-4-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzene -
pp. 1542-1549
V. P. Šendrik, O. Paleta and V. Dědek The reaction of Grignard reagents with methyl 2,3,3-trifluorocarboxylates -
pp. 1550-1556
A. Krutošíková, J. Kováč, A. Perjéssy, A. F. Olejnik and K. Ju. Novickij Preparation and spectral properties of substituted 1-(5-aryl-2-furyl)-3-phenylpropenones -
pp. 1557-1562
A. Krutošíková, V. Konečný and J. Kováč Preparation of O-(methyl, dimethyl and arylcarbamoyl)methyl 5-nitrophenyl-2-furyl ketoximes -
pp. 1563-1570
R. Kada, V. Knoppová and J. Kováč Study of the condensation of 5-arylthio-2-furaldehydes with compounds with active methylene group -
pp. 1571-1575
M. Ferles, M. Lebl, A. Šilhánková, P. Štern and Z. Wimmer Reduction of tertiary alcohols of the pyridine series and corresponding alkenylpyridines with zinc and formic acid -
pp. 1576-1578
K. Haisová and J. Slavík On the minor alkaloids from Argemone mexicana L. -
pp. 1579-1592
M. Havel and V. Černý Partial synthesis of osladine aglycone from solasodine -
pp. 1593-1603
A. Vystrčil, V. Křeček and M. Buděšínský Photooxidation of (20R)- and (20S)-29-lupanol derivatives -
pp. 1604-1611
M. Rajšner, E. Svátek, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva 12-(3-dimethylaminopropylidene)-12H-benzo[f]naphtho[1,8-bc]thiepin and 10-chloro-12-(4-methylpiperazino)-12H-benzo[f]naphtho[1,8-bc]thiepin -
pp. 1612-1622
I. Červená, A. Dlabač, J. Němec and M. Protiva Naphthylpiperazines and tetralylpiperazines: Synthesis and pharmacological properties -
pp. 1623-1628
Z. J. Vejdělek, A. Dlabač, B. Kakáč and M. Protiva Cyclic analogues of amphetamine: 1-(6,7,8,9-Tetrahydro-5H-benzocyclohepten-5-yl)ethylamine and analogues -
pp. 1629-1640
Š. Toma, E. Solčaniová, A. Maholanyiová and J. Leško Arylation of ferrocene derivatives -
pp. 1641-1645
L. Kadlecová and J. Štěpán On the stability of rat organ alkaline phosphatases
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.