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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1981, 46, 1383-1388

13C, 29Si, 115Sn, 117Sn and 119Sn NMR spectra of some triphenyl derivatives of elements of IVB group

Antonín Lyčkaa, Dobroslav Šnobla, Karel Handlířb, Jaroslav Holečekb and Milan Nádvorníkb

a Research Institute of Organic Syntheses, 532 18 Pardubice-Rybitví
b Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, 532 10 Pardubice

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  • Holeček J., Nádvorník M., Handlíř K., Lyčka A.: 13C and 119Sn NMR Study of some four- and five-coordinate triphenyltin(IV) compounds. J Organomet Chem 1983, 241, 177. <>