Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1982, 47, 2258-2279

Circular dichroism of alkaloids of colchicine type and their derivatives

Jaromír Hrbek, Jr.a, Ladislav Hrubana, Vilím Šimáneka, František Šantavýa, Günther Snatzkeb and Srishalam S. Yemulb

a Chemical Institute, Medical Faculty, Palacký University, 775 15 Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
b Institut fur Strukturchemie, Ruhr-Universitat, D-4630 Bochum 1, Federal Republic of Germany


The CD spectra of 48 colchicine alkaloids and of some of their derivatives were given. The effects of the substituents and of the basic skeleton on the chiroptical properties of the measured compounds were discussed.