- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1984, Volume 49, Issue 1
pp. 1-13
Viliam Múčka Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on nickel oxide-vanadium pentoxide catalysts and the effect of ionizing radiation on them -
pp. 14-24
Viliam Múčka Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on cerium dioxide-nickel oxide two-component catalysts and the effect of ionizing radiation on them -
pp. 25-28
Miroslav Ebert, Ivan Lukeš, Jitka Eysseltová, Jindřich Nassler and Zdeněk Mička Solubility in the KH2PO4-K2HPO4-K2H2P2O7-K3HP2O7-H2O system at 0 °C -
pp. 29-38
Eva Hillerová, Rafael López, Jindřiška Maternová, Rudolf Peter and Miroslav Zdražil Response in the catalytic properties to presulphidation for promoted and nonpromoted molybdenum hydrorefining catalysts -
pp. 39-44
Emanuel Makrlík, Jaroslava Hálová and Miroslav Kyrš Contribution to the thermodynamics of complexes of alkali metal cations with dibenzo-18-crown-6 in water-nitrobenzene extraction system -
pp. 45-50
Alireza Aliakbar and Milan Popl Determination of trace amounts of heavy metals in foodstuffs by anodic stripping voltammetry. Optimization of apparatus parameters -
pp. 51-57
Otto Exner and Tomáš Juška X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study of sulphonamides: Charge distribution and tautomerism -
pp. 58-64
Antonín Lyčka and Jaromír Kaválek 13C, 15N, and 19F NMR spectra of 4-fluoro-(3´ or 4´-substituted) azobenzenes -
pp. 65-70
Alžbeta Krutošíková, Jaroslav Kováč and Miroslava Dandárová Synthesis and reactions of furocondensed derivatives -
pp. 71-77
Stanislav Sekretár, Jana Rudá and Ladislav Štibrányi Photochemical reactions of 2-substituted furans with some carbonyl compounds -
pp. 78-85
Stanislav Kafka and Miloslav Ferles Hydroboration of 1-(3-butenyl)piperidine and 1-(4-pentenyl)piperidine -
pp. 86-109
Zdeněk Polívka, Jiří Jílek, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Antonín Dlabač, Martin Valchář and Miroslav Protiva Noncataleptic neuroleptic agents: 2-Halogeno-8-isopropyl-10-piperazino-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f,]thiepins -
pp. 110-121
Jiří Křepelka, Drahuše Vlčková and Milan Mělka Some 1-substitution derivatives of 4-aryl-2,3-dihalogeno-1-naphthols -
pp. 122-136
Miroslav Kuchař, Bohumila Brunová, Václav Rejholc, Magda Jelínková, Jiří Holubek and Oldřich Němeček Quantitative relations between structure and activation of fibrinolysis in selected series of arylaliphatic acids -
pp. 137-140
Tomislav Barth, Pavel Hrbas, Jana Škopková, Hans Vilhardt, Martin Flegel and Karel Jošt The effect of some structural changes in the molecule of vasopressin on the duration of antidiuretic action -
pp. 141-149
Eva Klinotová, Jiří Protiva, Jiří Klinot and Alois Vystrčil Reaction of 30-nor-18-lupene derivatives with bromine and peracids -
pp. 150-156
Helena Velgová 4,4-Dimethyl-A-homoandrostane epoxides -
pp. 157-164
Jiří Joska and Jan Farkaš Synthesis of some 1,2-unsaturated analogues of androgens with the cyclopropane ring in 4,5-position -
pp. 165-169
Petr Kálal and Vítěz Kalous The tyrosyl and tryptophyl residues of orosomucoid studied by difference and derivative spectrophotometry -
pp. 170-178
Karel Klusáček Numerical simulation of a catalytic reaction dynamics in a kinetic region -
pp. 179-189
Karel Kalfus, Zdeněk Friedl and Otto Exner Electrostatic effects on ionization equilibria: Solvent dependence -
pp. 190-196
Vladimír Mocko, Karol Fiedler and Jaroslav Leška A quantum-chemical study of pesticidal activity of phenylurea derivatives. The equilibrium geometries -
pp. 197-200
Jana Chovancová, Ján Krupčík and Ján Garaj A comparison of supports for quantitative gas chromatographic analysis of nickel and zinc dithiocarbamates -
pp. 201-217
Eckhard Herrmann, Oldřich Navrátil, Hoang ba Nang, Jiří Smola, Joachim Friedrich, Jiří Příhoda, Rolf Dreyer, Vladimir Alexeevič Chalkin and Siegfried Kulpe Extraktion von Seltenerdelementen mit Imidodiphosphorsäuretetraphenylester -
pp. 218-230
Jan Novrocík, Marta Novrocíková and Jaroslav Foniok Preparation and capillary gas chromatography of polymethyl- and ethylmethylbiphenyls and polymethyldiphenylmethanes -
pp. 231-234
Josef Pola cw CO2 laser photosensitited decomposition of cyclohexane -
pp. 235-243
Jaroslav Zajíček, Miloš Buděšínský and Jiří Farkaš Conformational study of blocked pentofuranoses and their 1,5-anhydro derivatives by 1H NMR spectroscopy -
pp. 244-252
Vladimír Macháček and Antonín Lyčka 13C and 15N NMR spectra of 6-substituted bicyclo[3,3,1]7-nonanone nitronates -
pp. 253-266
Jan Novrocík, Marta Novrocíková, Jiří Norek, Ivan Koruna and Miroslav Ryska The side reactions in the esterification of phthalic anhydride with 2-ethylhexane-1-ol in the presence of organotitanates -
pp. 267-274
Miloš Buděšínský, Miloslav Černý, Jitka Doležalová, Miloš Kulhánek, Josef Pacák and Milan Tadra 4-Deoxy-4-fluoro-D-fructose: Preparation and structure -
pp. 275-279
Jan Slouka and Vojtěch Bekárek Reactions of 2-(benzimidazol-2-yl)acetonitrile and its N-ethoxycarbonyl derivative with some azol-3-diazonium salts -
pp. 280-284
Daniel Végh and Jaroslav Kováč The synthesis and reactivity of 5-nitro-2-furylacetylene -
pp. 285-294
František Roubínek, Viktor Bydžovský and Zdeněk Buděšínský Substituted 5- and 6-quinoxalinecarboxylic acids and their tuberculostatic activity -
pp. 295-300
Pavol Kristian and Jozef Gonda Synthesis of 2-(S-aryloxycarbonylthio)ethyl isothiocyanates - Analogues of natural mustard oils -
pp. 301-305
Ladislav Kohout and Jaroslav Zajíček Lead tetraacetate oxidation of 3β-acetoxy-B-homo-5α-cholestan-7aβ-ol -
pp. 306-312
Pavel Drašar, Ivan Černý, Vladimír Pouzar and Miroslav Havel New preparation of steroidal 3-hemisuccinates -
pp. 313-319
Věra Přikrylová, Petr Sedmera, Josef V. Jizba, Jindřich Vokoun, Helena Lipavská, Miloslav Podojil and Zdenko Vaněk 7-O-Alkyl derivatives of daunomycinone
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.