Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1985, 50, 2834-2839

Determination of traces of lead in tinned apple puree by liquid chromatography without sample mineralization

František Vláčil and Věra Hamplová

Department of Analytical Chemistry, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, 166 28 Prague 6


A method has been worked out for the direct determination of lead in apple pulp without previous sample mineralization, based on the HPLC analysis of metal diethyldithiocarbamates isolated from the apple pulp by extraction with chloroform after the addition of reagent and masking iron with KCN. The amount of lead isolated by the direct extraction is the same as that obtained by mineralization. The method suggested gives results identical with those of the standard procedure of photometric determination with dithizone after mineralization; the precision and limit of determination (0.2 ppm Pb) are also approximately the same for the two methods. The recovery in the new method is 89%, as compared with the 94% for the standard method.