- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1986, Volume 51, Issue 11
pp. 2301-2432
Tomáš Boublík and Ivo Nezbeda P-V-T behaviour of hard body fluids. Theory and experiment -
pp. 2433-2436
Hamza A. Hussain and Waleed A. A. Kuder Effect of dielectric constant on the rate of electron spin exchange of Fremy's salt in solution -
pp. 2437-2443
František Kopecký, Mária Vojteková and Milan Pešák Association of benflurone in aqueous solutions studied by measuring the activity of chloride ions -
pp. 2444-2454
Dimitra Sazou, Nicolaos Xonoglou and Georgios Kokkinidis Electrocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol on a platinum electrode modified by underpotential-deposited heavy metal adatoms -
pp. 2455-2461
Karel Vaněk and Věra Jedináková A study of the sorption of strontium ions on α-FeOOH -
pp. 2462-2465
Michal Šingliar, Alfonz Ležovič and Pavel Fried Elimination of systematic errors due to adsorption in the determination of trace amounts of bismuth by differential pulse polarography -
pp. 2466-2472
Jiří Barek, Antonín Berka, Ludmila Dempírová and Jiří Zima Polarographic and voltammetric determination of 6-mercaptopurine and 6-thioguanine -
pp. 2473-2480
Jaroslav Nývlt, Věra Šnoblová and Miloslav Karel Crystallization kinetics for the system CuSO4-ZnSO4-H2O forming solid solutions -
pp. 2481-2488
Benitto Mayrhofer, Jana Mayrhoferová, Lubomír Neužil and Jaroslav Nývlt Mathematical modelling of salt purification by recrystallization. Countercurrent arrangement -
pp. 2489-2501
Benitto Mayrhofer, Jana Mayrhoferová, Lubomír Neužil and Jaroslav Nývlt Mathematical modelling of salt purification by recrystallization. A cross-current flow model and its comparison with the countercurrent arrangement -
pp. 2502-2508
Benitto Mayrhofer, Jana Mayrhoferová and Lubomír Neužil Mathematical modelling of salt purification by recrystallization. Estimation of the recrystallization factor for countercurrent arrangement -
pp. 2509-2520
Darío R. Ardiles Activity and selectivity of non-uniform bifunctional catalysts. Analysis of the fixed-bed reactor performance -
pp. 2521-2527
Jan Lokaj, Eleonóra Kellö, Viktor Kettmann, Viktor Vrábel and Vladimír Rattay The crystal structure of dibutyl-bis(pentamethylenedithiocarbamato)tin(IV) -
pp. 2528-2536
Milan Čížek and Vladimír Pour Kinetics of the reduction of nitrogen oxide and dinitrogen oxide by ammonia on a V2O5/Al2O3 catalyst in the absence of oxygen -
pp. 2537-2545
Stanislav Luňák, Marie Vašková and Josef Vepřek-Šiška Oxidation of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene by dioxygen. Effects of 3 transition metal 2,4-pentanedionates on the thermal and photoinitiated reactions -
pp. 2546-2552
Ignác Capek Chain transfer constants in the emulsion copolymerization of acrylonitrile and butyl acrylate -
pp. 2553-2563
Ulrika Králíková, Martin Bajus and Jozef Baxa Kinetik der koksbildung bei der heptan-pyrolyse -
pp. 2564-2573
Ulrika Králíková, Martin Bajus and Jozef Baxa Selektivität der heptan-spaltung bei scharfen pyrolysebedingungen -
pp. 2574-2581
Gabriela Valehrachová, Milan Hronec and Václav Veselý Liquid phase oxidation of mesitylene to 3,5-dimethylbenzaldehyde -
pp. 2582-2589
Antonín Lyčka, Jaroslav Holeček, Karel Handlíř, Josef Pola and Václav Chvalovský 17O, 13C, and 29Si NMR spectra of some acyloxy- and diacetoxysilanes and acetoxygermanes -
pp. 2590-2597
Jerzy T. Wróbel, Anna Scholl-Aleksandrowicz and Krystyna Wojtasiewicz Structure and stereochemistry of some neothiobinupharidine methiodides -
pp. 2598-2616
Miroslav Protiva, Jiří Jílek, Irena Červená, Josef Pomykáček, Václav Bártl, Antonín Dlabač, Martin Valchář, Jiřina Metyšová, Jiří Holubek and Emil Svátek Noncataleptic neuroleptic agents: 4-Substituted 1-(2-chloro-7-fluoro-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin-10-yl)piperazines and related compounds -
pp. 2617-2625
Miroslav Kuchař, Bohumila Brunová, Jaroslava Grimová, Václav Rejholec and Václav Čepelák On the quantitative relations between structure and antiaggregation activity of ω-aryl-ω-oxoalkanoic acids -
pp. 2626-2634
Jan Kovář, Jaromír Stejskal, Hana Paulová and Jiří Slavík Reduction of quaternary benzophenanthridine alkaloids by NADH and NADPH
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.