- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1986, Volume 51, Issue 3
pp. 479-492
Antonín Tockstein Kinetic scheme of oscillation reaction of three and four particles -
pp. 493-497
Jaroslav Macenauer Contribution to the study of the kinetics of redox reactions proceeding via electrode processes: Reactions with two-electron transfer -
pp. 498-515
Emanuel Makrlík and Petr Vaňura Europium and cerium extraction by the nitrobenzene solution of dicarbolide in the presence of polyethylene glycols -
pp. 516-525
Drahoš Rykl, Vojtěch Chalupský and František Pechar Phase transitions of natural scolecite -
pp. 526-538
Anna Sopková and Michal Šingliar Transition metal tetracyano complexes, their thermal and sorption properties -
pp. 539-544
Hans-Hartmut Schwarz, Vlastimil Kůdela, Jaromír Lukáš, Jiří Vacík and Volker Gröbe Effect of the membrane potential on the performance of ultrafiltration membranes -
pp. 545-552
Albert Breier, Peter Gemeiner and Milan J. Beneš Effect of the concentration of 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) on parameters of the kinetics of its chemisorption on thiol derivatives of cellulose -
pp. 553-563
Petr Svoboda, Oldřich Pytela and Miroslav Večeřa Kinetics of acid catalyzed decomposition of substituted 1,3-diphenyl-3-methyltriazenes -
pp. 564-572
Oldřich Pytela, Stanislava Štumrová, Miroslav Ludwig and Miroslav Večeřa Kinetic acidity function and solvolysis of 3-hydroxy-1,3-diphenyltriazenes -
pp. 573-580
Tibor Gracza, Zdeněk Arnold and Jaroslav Kováč New type of addition to 5-substituted 4-arylidene-2-(4,5-dihydrofurfurylidene)-N,N-dimethyliminium bisperchlorates. Preparation of 4-substituted 5-(N,N-dimethylamino)-2-furancarbaldehydes -
pp. 581-592
Alois Vystrčil, Václav Křeček, Miloš Buděšínský and Jiří Protiva Isomeric oximes of 30-norlupan-20-one and its derivatives -
pp. 593-610
Jiří Klinot, Miloš Buděšínský, Eva Klinotová and Alois Vystrčil Conformation of the A ring in 1-oxo and 3-oxotriterpenoids. Vicinal interproton coupling constants -
pp. 611-620
Jiří Klinot, Václav Všetečka, Eva Klinotová and Alois Vystrčil Conformation of ring A in 3-oxotriterpenoids. Dipole moments and CD spectra -
pp. 621-635
Václav Křeček, Jiří Protiva, Miloš Buděšínský, Eva Klinotová and Alois Vystrčil Preparation of C(18)-empiric 20,29,30-trinorlupane derivatives. 1H, 13C NMR and mass spectra -
pp. 636-642
Michal Németh and Ján Mocák New highly efficient coulometric cell with homogenous potential distribution on the working electrode -
pp. 643-649
Karel Janák and Jaroslav Janák Effect of the way of fixing 8-hydroxyquinoline to glycidyl methacrylate gel on the properties of the resulting chelating ion exchanger -
pp. 650-656
Karel Janák and Jaroslav Janák Preparation and properties of epoxided Separon-based ion exchangers with bonded 8-hydroxyquinoline -
pp. 657-663
Karel Janák and Jaroslav Janák Preparation and properties of a styrene-ethylene dimethacrylate copolymer-based chelating ion exchanger with bonded 8-hydroxyquinoline -
pp. 664-669
Jana Podlahová and Jiří Gracias Synthesis and characterization of mercury(II) complexes with diphenylphosphineacetic acid -
pp. 670-676
Eva Solčániová, Štefan Toma and Tibor Liptaj 13C NMR spectra of 1-aryl-ferrocenylethylenes -
pp. 677-683
Jaromír Kaválek, Josef Panchartek, Tomáš Potěšil and Vojeslav Štěrba Solvolysis kinetics of ethyl 3-ethoxy-3-iminopropanoate -
pp. 684-686
Otakar Červinka, Anna Fábryová, Ivana Brožová and Miroslav Holík Asymmetric reduction of p-alkylacetophenones -
pp. 687-697
Václav Černý, Miroslav Strnad and Miroslav Kamínek Preparation of 2α,3α-dihydroxy-7-oxa-6-oxo-23,24-dinor-B-homo-5α-cholanic acid, its esters and amides as brassinolide analogues -
pp. 698-722
Miroslav Protiva, Jiří Jílek, Miroslav Rajšner, Josef Pomykáček, Miroslav Ryska, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek and Jiřina Metyšová Fluorinated tricyclic neuroleptics with prolonged action: 7-Fluoro-11-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazino]-2-isopropyl-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin -
pp. 723-730
Kveta Heinrichová and Dagmar Zliechovcová Poly(ethylene terephthalate) immobilized exo-D-galacturonanase
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.