- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1988, Volume 53, Issue 12
pp. 2963-2985
Anatolii N. Semenov, Václav Čeřovský, Mikhail I. Titov and Karel Martinek Enzymes in preparative organic synthesis: The problem of increasing the yield of product -
pp. 2986-2994
Peter Ertl MNDO study of the E-Z isomerization mechanism of H2C=NR molecules (R = H, CH3, NH2, OH, F) -
pp. 2995-3013
Emerich Erdös, Jindřich Leitner, Petr Voňka, Josef Stejskal and Přemysl Klíma A polycentric growth model of gallium arsenide epitaxial layers from the gas phase with simultaneous diffusion, adsorption and chemical reaction -
pp. 3014-3020
Antonín Tockstein and František Skopal Dependence of transversely scattered light flux on concentration in coarse polydisperse suspensions -
pp. 3021-3028
Karel Eckschlager and Jiří Fusek Information content of the determinations of the amount of an analyte -
pp. 3029-3039
Jitka Šrámková, Stanislav Kotrlý and Yvona Kalischová Extraction-photometric determination of indium with 8-quinolinol in layered crystals of the type A2VB3VI -
pp. 3040-3049
Vladimír Buršík, Vlastimil Kubáň and Lumír Sommer The simultaneous determination of Fe(III) and Cu(II) in the presence of Zn(II) using 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-(diethylamino)phenol -
pp. 3050-3057
Eliška Kálalová, Marcela Kolářová and Pham Thuy A study to the isolation of iridium from platinum metal mixtures -
pp. 3058-3066
Zoltán Hölgye and Dana Drábová Determination of 134Cs and 137Cs in milk by sorption on freshly prepared precipitate of Cu(II) hexacyanoferrate in combination with gamma spectrometry -
pp. 3067-3071
Igor Matejovič and Magdaléna Bieliková Isotachophoretic determination of soluble nitrates, nitriles, sulfates and phosphates in plant material -
pp. 3072-3079
Mojmír Skokánek and Ivo Sláma Heat capacities and enthalpies of fusion and transformation for solvates of some salts with dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethylformamide -
pp. 3080-3088
Pavel Stopka An ESR study of irradiated mixtures of hydrogen peroxide and Cu(II) complexes at 77 K -
pp. 3089-3096
Zdeněk Hruška, Věra Tyráčková, Galina A. Tischenko and Larisa K. Shatayeva Structure and permeability of composition carboxyl membranes on the basis of polyacrylonitrile -
pp. 3097-3107
Bohdan Schneider, Jan Štokr, Jaroslav Straka, Martin Přádný and Stanislav Ševčík Conformational structure of poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate], 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl pivalate and of their quaternary iodides. Vibrational and NMR spectra -
pp. 3108-3118
Jaroslav Koča A graph model of the synthon -
pp. 3119-3130
Jaroslav Koča The reaction distance -
pp. 3131-3137
Bohumil Kratochvíl, Jan Ondráček, Jindřich Hašek and László Csordás Determination of the structure of p-methylbenzamidinium formate monohydrate -
pp. 3138-3148
Ch. Sanjeeva Reddy Homogeneous catalysis of manganese(II) in acid bromate oxidation of olefinic acids -
pp. 3149-3153
Jiří Horálek, Štefan Švestka, Emil Krejcar and Jiří Novák Reactions of primary aliphatic and cycloaliphatic amines with 1-butyl acrylate -
pp. 3154-3163
Jiří Klicnar, Jaromír Mindl, Ivana Obořilová, Jaroslav Petříček and Vojeslav Štěrba Reaction kinetics of 1,2-diaminobenzene with ethyl 2-oxopropanoate and 2,3-butanedione -
pp. 3164-3170
Jaromír Hlavatý and Jiří Volke Use of Nafion membranes in laboratory organic electrosynthesis -
pp. 3171-3178
Vladimír Oremus, Lubor Fišera, Hans-Joachim Timpe and Ute Lammel An unusually selective photo-induced rearrangement of 4-alkoxycarbonyl-5-formyl-2,3-dihydro-6H-1,3-oxazines. A new route to preparation of condensed lactones -
pp. 3179-3183
Margret Mansour Girges, Mokhtar Ayad Hanna, Hussien Mohamed Hassan and Evelin Boshra Moawad Synthesis of some new 3-substituted-4-hydroxy-1-methyl-quinolin-2-one derivatives as potential antibacterial and antifungal agents -
pp. 3184-3192
Jan Šmidrkal Synthesis of fagaronine -
pp. 3193-3196
Ondgenij Purev, František Pospíšil and Otakar Motl Flavonoids from Ephedra sinica STAPF -
pp. 3197-3205
Evžen Kasafírek, Ladislav Fukal and Jan Káš Chromogenic substrates for papain with a C-terminal S-benzylcysteine residue -
pp. 3206-3213
Josef Kellner The use of a potassium ion selective electrode for measuring kinetic parameters of enzymatic hydrolysis of butyrylcholine -
pp. 3214-3219
Milena Kmínková, Alexandra Prošková and Jiří Kučera Immobilization of mold beta-galactosidase -
pp. 3220-3239
Vladimír Kvasnička Special kinetic models of selection processes in biomacromolecular systems
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.