- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1989, Volume 54, Issue 7
pp. 1753-1759
Michal Novák and Miroslav Zdražil Synergism in hydrodearomatization over Ni-Mo/Al2O3 catalyst -
pp. 1760-1769
Martin Čapka and Alena Reissová Hydrogenation activity of homogeneous and heterogenized cyclopentadienyl titanium complexes -
pp. 1770-1776
Karel Eckschlager Separation of analytes as a source of information -
pp. 1777-1784
Vlastimil Kubáň, Josef Havel and Bronislava Patočková Fluorimetric determination of beryllium with 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid by flow injection analysis after preconcentration on a silica gel microcolumn -
pp. 1785-1794
Vlastimil Kubáň, Josef Komárek and Zbyněk Zdráhal Determination of trace concentrations of copper by FIA-FAAS after preconcentration on chelating sorbents -
pp. 1795-1799
František Potůček and Jiří Stejskal Oxygen absorption into Ellis liquid in a bead column -
pp. 1800-1807
Mária Kabešová and Zlatica Kožíšková The crystal and molecular structure of thiocyanatocopper(II) complexes with 3-methylpyridine and 3,4-dimethylpyridine -
pp. 1808-1820
Simon King, Lars-Olof Sundelöf and Bedřich Porsch Comparison between the classical and QELSS determination of diffusion coefficients. Sharp polymer fractions -
pp. 1821-1829
Bedřich Porsch, Simon King and Lars-Olof Sundelöf QELSS diffusion data for moderately broad molar mass distribution polymer samples compared with data from classical gradient techniques -
pp. 1830-1838
Václav Janout, Hana Hrudková, Bohumír Valter and Pavel Čefelín Solid phase cosolvents: Polymer analogs of N,N-dialkylamides based on polystyrene -
pp. 1839-1845
Jindřich Poláček, Lidmila Petrusová, Helena Antropiusová and Karel Mach The influence of alkali metal halides on the butadiene cyclotrimerization catalyzed by (benzene)titanium(II) complexes -
pp. 1846-1853
Mária Stankovičová and Jozef Čižmárik Kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis and correlation studies of m- and p-substituted piperidinoethyl phenylcarbamates -
pp. 1854-1869
Marián Schwarz, Petr Trška and Josef Kuthan NMR spectroscopic investigation of p-substituted 2,4,4,6-tetraphenyl-1,4-dihydropyridines and their oxa and thia analogues -
pp. 1870-1879
Marián Schwarz and Josef Kuthan Alkylation of 2,4,4,6-tetraphenyl-1,4-dihydropyridine -
pp. 1880-1887
Marián Schwarz and Josef Kuthan Reaction of organolithium compounds with 1-substituted 2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium perchlorates -
pp. 1888-1902
Vladimír Pouzar, Lenka Schneiderová, Pavel Drašar, Oldřich Štrouf and Miroslav Havel Synthesis of 2-propynyl ethers of steroid alcohols -
pp. 1903-1918
Ełżbieta Błoszyk, Aleksandra Dudek, Zofia Kosturkiewicz, Urszula Rychłewska, Włodzimierz M. Daniewski, Maria Gulumka, Jan Nawrot, Miloš Buděšínský, Soňa Vašíčková and Miroslav Holub Sesquiterpene lactones of Cephalophora aromatica (HOOK.) SCHRADER and their deterrent activity. The stereostructure of geigerinin -
pp. 1919-1927
Miloš Buděšínský, Halina Grabarczyk, Włodzimierz M. Daniewski, Andrzej Wawrzuń, Maria Gulumka, David Šaman, Bohdan Drożdż and Miroslav Holub Sesquiterpene lactones from Venidium hirsutum BEROL. species -
pp. 1928-1939
Miloš Buděšínský and Jiří Klinot Conformation of ring A in triterpenoid ketones. Carbon-13 chemical shifts and spin-lattice relaxation times of lupane and 18α-oleanane derivatives -
pp. 1940-1954
Manfred Pavlík, Ivan Kluh, Františka Pavlíková, Soňa Vašíčková and Vladimír Kostka Preparation, spectral and physicochemical characteristics of methylamide Nα-phenylthiocarbamoyl derivatives of naturally occurring amino acids -
pp. 1955-1965
Irena Červená, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Miroslav Ryska and Miroslav Protiva Potential antidepressants: 6-(Aminoalkoxy)dibenzo[b,f]thiepin-10(11H)-ones and 6-(aminoalkoxy)-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin-10-ols -
pp. 1966-1978
Irena Červená, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Jan Metyš and Miroslav Protiva Potential antidepressants: 2-(Aminoalkoxy)biphenyls and some related ω-substituted 2-alkoxybiphenyls -
pp. 1979-1994
Vladimír Valenta, Marie Vlková, Jiří Holubek, Jiřina Metyšová and Miroslav Protiva Potential antidepressants: 10-Amino-2-chloro-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepins -
pp. 1995-2008
Jiří Jílek, Jiří Urban, Petr Taufmann, Jiří Holubek, Antonín Dlabač, Martin Valchář and Miroslav Protiva Potential antidepressants: 2-(Phenylthio)aralkylamines -
pp. 2009-2020
Jiří Slavík and Leonora Slavíková Alkaloids from Corydalis nobilis (L.) PERS. and C. intermedia (L.) MÉRAT -
pp. 2021-2026
Marie Stiborová, Befekadu Asfaw and Pavel Anzenbacher Ce(IV)-mediated formation of benzenediazonium ion from a non-aminoazo dye, 1-phenylazo-2-hydroxy-naphthalene (Sudan I) and its binding to DNA -
pp. 2027-2041
Václav Čeřovský and Karel Martinek Peptide synthesis catalyzed by native proteinase K in water-miscible organic solvents with low water content
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.