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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1991, 56, 1607-1617

Polyhedral organoiridaazaborane chemistry. The preparation of the eleven-vertex nido compound [9-Cl-8-(η5-C5Me5)-nido-8,7-IrNHB9H10] and its characterization by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Karl Nestora,b, Xavier L. R. Fontainea, John D. Kennedya, Bohumil Štíbrb, Karel Bašeb and Mark Thornton-Petta

a School Of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
b Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 250 68 Řež near Prague, Czechoslovakia

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