- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1994, Volume 59, Issue 11
Physical Chemistry
pp. 2351-2356
Jitka Eysseltová Hydration Analysis Based Calculation of Solute Activity Coefficients in Ternary Saturated Solutions -
pp. 2357-2374
Erich Lippert, Karel Mocek and Emerich Erdös Kinetics of the Reaction of Solid Anhydrous Potassium Carbonate with Gaseous Sulfur Dioxide -
pp. 2375-2382
Simon Krásenský and Marie Studničková Electrosynthesis of Organic Amalgam from Tetraethylammonium Tetrafluoroborate in Aqueous Medium -
pp. 2383-2389
Sayed S. Abd El Rehim, Ahmed A. El Basosi, Salah M. El Zein and Magda M. Osman Electrochemical Behaviour of Cobalt in NaOH Solutions
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 2390-2396
Ján Krupčík, Ivan Skačáni, Eva Benická and Pat Sandra Dependence of Gas Chromatographic Retention Data of Hydrocarbons on the Film Thickness of the Polydimethylsiloxane Stationary Phase -
pp. 2397-2414
Jiří Barek, Piero Savarino, Lucie Stuchlíková and Jiří Zima Polarographic Determination of 4'-Substituted Derivatives of 3-Carboxy-4-hydroxy-6-acetylaminoazobenzene -
pp. 2415-2425
Karel Ventura, Kateřina Svobodová, Miroslav Dostál and Jaroslav Churáček Determination of Trace Concentrations of Aliphatic Amines in the Gas Phase after Preconcentration on a Solid Sorbent
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
pp. 2426-2435
Andrzej Kmiec, Lilla Szczepaniak and Sahar S. H. Abdul-Latif On Flow Dynamics in a Jet-Loop Reactor
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 2436-2446
Mária Reháková, Anna Sopková and Vladimír Šály Inclusion Compounds of Tetracyano Complexes and Their Electrical Properties -
pp. 2447-2453
Kamil Lang, Dana M. Wagnerová and Jiřina Brodilová The Role of Hydrogen Peroxide in Dioxygen Induced Hydroxylation of Salicylic Acid
Macromolecular Science
pp. 2454-2471
Jan Sedláček, Jiří Vohlídal, Jiří Kareš, Marta Pacovská and Bohumil Máca Metathesis Catalyst WOCl4/Ph4Sn: The Chemistry of Ripening and Transformation to Polymerization Active Species
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 2472-2480
Bohumil Kratochvíl, Michal Hušák, Petr Bulej and Alexandr Jegorov The Molecular and Crystal Structure of Buprenorphine Hydrochloride, a Morphine Analogue -
pp. 2481-2492
Peter Šafář, Pavel Čepec, František Považanec, Anna Koreňová and Naďa Prónayová One-Step Synthesis of 2-Amino-3-furancarboxylic Acid Derivatives from 2-Furancarbaldehyde -
pp. 2493-2500
Jaromír Toman, Jaromír Mindl, Antonín Lyčka, Jiří Klicnar, Ivana Srovnalová and Miloš Koníček Structure of Reaction Products of Some Substituted Quinoxaline N-Oxides with Carbanions -
pp. 2501-2510
František Hampl and František Liška Radical Addition of Triethylamine and 1-Methylpiperidine to Tetrafluoroethene -
pp. 2511-2522
Jan Hlaváček, Renáta Marcová, Lenka Maletínská and Jiřina Slaninová Analogues of the Cholecystokinin C-Terminal Tetrapeptide -
pp. 2523-2532
John Hondrelis, John Matsoukas, George Agelis, Paul Cordopatis, Ning Zhou, Hans Vogel and Graham J. Moore 1H NMR Conformational Studies in Water of Angiotensin II Analogues Modified at the N- and C-Termini: Interactions of the Aromatic Side Chains and Folding of the N-Terminal Domain -
pp. 2533-2544
Václav Kozmík and Jaroslav Paleček Synthetic Analogues of 15,15-Acetals of Prostaglandin F2α and E2
New Compounds
pp. 2545-2561
Jiří Urban and Jiří Volke 1,2,4,6-Substituted Pyridinium Derivatives-Synthesis and Properties -
pp. 2562-2564
Martin Doležal, Jiří Hartl and Miloš Macháček Preparation of Some N-Substituted 3-Amino-5-cyano-2-pyrazinecarboxamides
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.