- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1995, Volume 60, Issue 12
Accelerated Communication
pp. 2023-2027
Bohumil Štíbr, Josef Holub, Francesc Teixidor and Clara Viñas The First Examples of Metallatricarbollides. Isomeric Twelve-Vertex Cyclopentadienyl Ferratricarbadodecaboranes [(η5-C5H5)-closo-FeC3B8H11]
Quantum and Theoretical Chemistry
pp. 2028-2038
Jaromír Toušek, Jaro Komenda and Ulrich Hess Study of the Electrochemically Initiated Cyanomethylation of Azomethines by Means of the MNDO and AM1 Semiempirical Methods
Physical Chemistry
pp. 2039-2046
Ioannis Poulios, Kostantinos Farmakis and Kostantinos Paraskevopoulos Photoelectrochemical Characteristics of n-InSe Single Crystals -
pp. 2047-2056
Abdel-Ghaffar A. Ali and Laila I. Ali Dehydrogenation, Deamination and Disproportionation of Diethylamine over Heteropoly Compounds -
pp. 2057-2063
Samih A. Halawy, Mohamed A. Mohamed and Suzan F. Abd El-Hafez The Poisoning Effect of Co3O4 on γ-Al2O3 and MgO Supports During the Decomposition of Isopropyl Alcohol
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 2064-2073
Vladimír Jehlička and Vladimír Mach Determination of Estimates of Parameters of Calibration Regression Straight Line with Objective Elimination of Remote Measurements
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
pp. 2074-2084
Petr Mikulášek Effect of Fluidized Bed on Permeate Flux in Ceramic Membrane Cross-Flow Microfiltration -
pp. 2085-2096
Egon Eckert A Nonequilibrium Model of Distillation Stage with Possible Occurrence of Two Liquid Phases
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 2097-2106
František Jursík and Ronald D. Archer Assessing the Effect of Ligand Proximity on Chiroptical and Other Properties in Cobalt(III) Model, Tyrosine-Like Complexes -
pp. 2107-2111
Dimitar Trendafelov, Christomir Christov, Christo Balarew and Aneta Karapetkova Study of the Conversion of CaSO4 to CaCO3 within the CaSO4 + Na2CO3 = CaCO3 + Na2SO4 Four-Component Water-Salt System
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 2112-2118
Peter Capek and Alžbeta Kardašová Polysaccharides from the Flowers of Malva Mauritiana L.: Structure of an Arabinogalactan -
pp. 2119-2126
Mária Jakubcová, Daniel Végh, Ján Leško and Vladimír Mastihuba Study of Structure and Reactivity of Spirobi-2(5H)-furanones -
pp. 2127-2136
Stanislav Rádl Preparation of 1-Hydroxyxanthen-9(9H)-ones and 1-Hydroxyacridin-9(10H)-ones via Corresponding 3,4-Dihydro-1,9(2H)-diones -
pp. 2137-2146
Antonín Klásek, Stanislav Kafka and Thomas Kappe Synthesis and Some Reactions of 3-Substituted 1,4-Bis(4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinolin-6-yloxy)butanes -
pp. 2147-2155
Alexander Kasal, Ladislav Kohout and Michal Lebl Synthesis of a Scaffold for the Creation of Non-Peptide Libraries -
pp. 2156-2160
Jaroslav Včelák and Jiří Hetflejš Dehalogenation of 4,4'-Dichlorobiphenyl with Sodium Dihydridobis(2-methoxyethoxo)aluminate -
pp. 2161-2164
Miloš Tichý and Jiří Závada Preparation of (R)-(-)-6,6'-Bis(3,5-dinitrobenzamido)biphenyl-2,2'-dicarboxylic Acid, a Potential Chiral HPLC Selector -
pp. 2165-2169
Vladimír Křen, Jan Němeček and Věra Přikrylová Assignment of Nitrogen Stereochemistry of Agroclavine and Elymoclavine 6-N-Oxides
Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 2170-2177
Zdenko Procházka and Jiřina Slaninová The 1- and 2-Naphthylalanine Analogs of Oxytocin and Vasopressin -
pp. 2178-2188
Seçkin Özden, Hamide Ertepinar and Ömer Geban QSAR Study on Antibacterial Effects of Benzimidazole and Imidazopyridine Derivatives
pp. 2189-2199
Marie Stiborová, Eva Frei, Heinz H. Schmeiser and Manfred Wiessler Cytochrome P-450 and Peroxidase Oxidize Detoxication Products of Carcinogenic Aristolochic Acids (Aristolactams) to Reactive Metabolites Binding to DNA in vitro
New Compounds
pp. 2200-2208
Galal A. M. Nawwar and Nancy A. Shafik Synthesis of 2-Substituted Benzothiazoles Containing Amino Acid, Imino or Heteroaryl Moieties with Anticipated Fungicidal Activity -
pp. 2209-2212
Ram K. Rathore and Radha R. Gupta Synthesis of Disubstituted 6-Chloro-5-methyl-4H-1,4-benzothiazines: Novel Heterocycles
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.