- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1995, Volume 60, Issue 3
pp. 339-371
Boris F. Minaev and Hans Ågren Spin-Orbit Coupling Induced Chemical Reactivity and Spin-Catalysis Phenomena
Chemical Physics
pp. 372-382
Michaela Janovská and Zdeněk Bastl Adsorption and Thermal Decomposition of Tetrakis(dimethylamido)titanium on Si and SiO2/Si Surfaces: an XPS Study -
pp. 383-392
Zdeněk Bastl X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Studies of Palladium Dispersed on Carbon Surfaces Modified by Ion Beams and Plasmatic Oxidation
Physical Chemistry
pp. 393-402
Josef Kotrla, Jan Florián, Ludmila Kubelková and Jacques Fraissard Pyridinium Ions - New Probe for Basic Sites of Solid Acids -
pp. 403-411
Heide-Lore Zubowa, Ellen Schreier, Karin Jancke, Ursula Steinike and Rolf Fricke The Synthesis of the Molecular Sieve Cloverite in the Presence of Heteroatoms -
pp. 412-420
Jiří Čejka, Alena Vondrová, Blanka Wichterlová, Hans G. Jerschkewitz, Günter Lischke and Ellen Schreier The Effect of Extra-Framework Aluminum in Dealuminated ZSM-5 Zeolites on the Transformation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons -
pp. 421-427
Gabriele Eder-Mirth Using in situ IR Spectroscopy to Understand Selective Alkylation of Aromatics over Zeolites -
pp. 428-442
Jana Nováková, Libor Brabec and Ludmila Kubelková Effect of Li, Na, K and Cs on Vacuum Decomposition of Tetraammineplatinum(II) in Zeolites. Catalytic Activity in CO + NO Reaction -
pp. 443-450
Pavol Hudec and Katarina Prandová Supported Heteropolyacids as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Propene Metathesis -
pp. 451-456
Kornelia Kulawik, Günter Schulz-Ekloff, Jiří Rathouský, Arnošt Zukal and Jiří Had Hydroxylation of Phenol over Ti-MCM-41 and TS-1 -
pp. 457-463
Daniela Kladeková, Alexander Hanudeľ, Milan Brutovský and Ján Novák Oxidation of Butane to Maleic Anhydride on Unmodified and Modified Vanadium-Phosphorus Catalysts
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 464-472
Terézia M. Surányi, Evgenija A. Djurendić and Gyöngyi Gy. Vastag Spectrophotometric Study of the Formation of Iron(III) Complexes with Some Salicylic Acid Derivatives
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
pp. 473-481
Květa Jirátová, Lenka Morávková, Jiří Malecha and Bohumil Koutský Ceramic Foam in Catalytic Combustion of Methane -
pp. 482-488
Vratislav Tukač and Jiří Hanika Purification of Phenolic Waste Waters by Catalytic Oxidation
Macromolecular Science
pp. 489-497
Hynek Balcar, Jan Sedláček, Marta Pacovská and Vratislav Blechta Metathesis Polymerization of Phenylacetylene by Tungsten Aryloxo Complexes
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 498-504
Milan Kučera, Milan Králik, Michal Maťaš, Pavol Hudec and Milan Hronec Hydration of Cyclohexene Catalyzed by Zeolites -
pp. 505-513
Alexander Kaszonyi, Marcel Antol, Milan Hronec, Gérard Delahay and Danielle Ballivet-Tkatchenko Oxidation of Toluene by Air in the Presence of Oxygen Compounds on Vanadium Catalysts -
pp. 514-520
Vendelín Macho, Milan Kučera and Milan Králik Carbonylative Reduction of Nitrophenols to Aminophenols -
pp. 521-526
Xin Chen, Fajun Nan, Zhaoming Xiong, Sichang Shao, Tongshuang Li and Yulin li Synthesis and Allylic Oxidation of 2,3-Dehydro-9β-benzoyloxy-β-agarofuran
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.