- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1995, Volume 60, Issue 5
Chemical Physics
pp. 719-735
Jaroslav Zajíček, Jeffrey F. Ellena, Gerald D. Williams, Mohammad A. Khadim and Michael F. Brown Molecular Dynamics of Vesicles of Unsaturated Phosphatidylcholines Studied by 13C NMR Spin-Lattice Relaxation
Physical Chemistry
pp. 736-750
Tereza Vrbová, Zuzana Limpouchová and Karel Procházka A Monte Carlo Study of Copolymer Chain Conformations in Dilute Solutions in Good and Selective Solvents -
pp. 751-762
Emerich Erdös and Karel Mocek Equilibria of Reactions Between Nitrogen Oxides and Calcium Hydroxide -
pp. 763-780
Jana Gallová, Jaroslava Bágeľová, Jozef Čižmárik and Pavol Balgavý Calorimetric Study of the Interaction of Local Anesthetics [2-(Alkyloxy)phenyl]-2-(1-piperidinyl)ethyl Carbamates with Model Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Membranes -
pp. 781-787
Milan Melicherčík, Marta Mrákavová, Arpád Nagy, Anna Olexová and Ľudovít Treindl Design of Transition-Metal Oscillators Based on the Reduction of Permanganate Ions by Keto Dicarboxylic Acids -
pp. 788-794
Vlasta Brezová, Alžbeta Blažková, Mirko Brezňan, Peter Kottáš and Michal Čeppan Phenol Degradation on Glass Fibres with Immobilized Titanium Dioxide Particles
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 795-801
Dušan Bustin, Štefan Mesároš, Peter Tomčík and Miroslav Rievaj New Procedure for Linear Sweep Voltammetric Determination of Catalytic Reaction Rate Constant. Oxidation of Some Aliphatic Alcohols with Electrolytically Generated Os(VIII) -
pp. 802-812
Jiří Barek, Roman Hrnčíř and Josino C. Moreira Polarographic Determination of 7-Diethylamino-4-methylcoumarin -
pp. 813-819
Jasmina Novakovic, Eva Tvrzická, Václav Všetečka, Vladimír Pouzar and Ladislav Feltl Capillary Gas-Chromatographic Retention Behavior and Physico-Chemical Properties of Underivatized Equine Estrogens
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 820-828
Ivana Císařová, Jana Podlahová and Jaroslav Podlaha Crystal Structure of the Adduct Hexahydroxotelluric Acid-Disodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate-Water (1/1/2)
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 829-840
Jiří Kulhánek and Oldřich Pytela Chemometric Analysis of Substituent Effects. VI. A Study of ortho Effect in Dissociation of 2,6-Disubstituted Benzoic Acids -
pp. 841-850
Miroslav Ludwig, Patrik Pařík and Jiří Kulhánek A Study of Transmission Effects of Sulfonyl and Carbonyl Groups -
pp. 851-855
Oldřich Štrouf and Pavel Stopka ESR Spin Trapping Study of Sodium and Tetramethylammonium Mercaptoundecahydro-closo-dodecaborates(2-) and Sodium Tetraborate Aqueous Solutions Irradiated by UV Light at Room Temperature -
pp. 856-862
Gejza Suchár and Ivan Danihel Dipole Moments of para-Substituted N-Phenylsulfonyl-N'-Allylthioureas -
pp. 863-874
Vladimír Jiřičný and Vladimír Staněk Preparation of D-Arabinose in a Laboratory Fluidized Bed Electrode Cell -
pp. 875-882
Michal Hocek, Milena Masojídková and Antonín Holý Synthesis of Acyclic Nucleotide Analogues Derived from 2-(Aminomethyl)adenine and 2-(Aminomethyl)hypoxanthine -
pp. 883-893
František Hampl, Jiří Mazáč, František Liška, Jiří Šrogl, Lubomír Kábrt and Miloslav Suchánek Quaternary Heteroarenium Aldoximes as Catalysts for Cleavage of Phosphate Esters -
pp. 894-902
Karel Šindelář, Karel Dobrovský, Ivan Krejčí and Zdeněk Polívka Substituted 1-(2-Thienyl)cyclohexylamines and Related Compounds as Potential NMDA Antagonists
New Compounds
pp. 903-909
Aykut A. Ikizler and Kemal Sancak Reaction of Ester Ethoxycarbonylhydrazones with Aliphatic Diamines
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.