Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1996, 61, 837-843
Activities of Components in the Ca2MgSi2O7-CaSiO3Molten System
Ladislav Kosa, Ivan Nerád, Katarína Adamkovičová, Jozef Strečko and Ivo Proks
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 36 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Activities of the components, the Gibbs energy of mixing, and the excess entropy of mixing have been calculated for the Ca2MgSi2O7-CaSiO3 system. The mole fractions of the components were calculated assuming that in the point of the formal component Ca2MgSi2O7, the molar mass of the quasi-real particle in the melt corresponds to its formula molar mass, whereas in the point of the formal component CaSiO3 the molar mass of the quasi-real particle in the melt is 8.5 times higher than as corresponds to its formula. The fact that the enthalpy of mixing is zero whereas the excess entropy of mixing is non-zero suggests that Ca2MgSi2O7-CaSiO3 melts behave as athermal solutions.
Keywords: Akermanite; Wollastonite; Thermodynamics of mixing.