- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1997, Volume 62, Issue 11
Physical Chemistry
pp. 1663-1676
Jan Balej and Jiri Divisek Diagrams Er-mKOH for Cobalt at 25-125 °C and at Total Pressure of 1-30 Bar -
pp. 1677-1689
Jan Balej and Jiri Divisek Diagrams Er-mKOH for Iron at 25-125 °C and at Total Pressure of 1-30 Bar -
pp. 1690-1697
Mohamed El-Metwally Ghoneim, Youssef Ibrahim Moharram and Norman Taylor Determination of the Charge Transfer Parameters of 4,4'-(Ferrocene-1,1'-diyldivinylene)bis(benzo-15-crown-5) at Glassy Carbon Electrode
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
pp. 1698-1709
Miloslav Hartman, Zdeněk Beran, Václav Veselý and Karel Svoboda On the Transition from Homogeneous to Bubbling Fluidization
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 1710-1720
Pavel Vojtíšek, Jan Rohovec and Ivan Lukeš Complexes of Mercury(II) with Tetraethyl 2,2'-Bipyridyl-4,4'-diphosphonate -
pp. 1721-1729
Zdeněk Černošek, Marek Liška, Peter Pelikán, Eva Černošková, Marián Valko and Miloslav Frumar Computer Simulation of Electron Spin Resonance Spectra of Ge25S75and Ge30S70 Bulk Glasses
Macromolecular Science
pp. 1730-1736
Petr Munk, Zdeněk Tuzar and Karel Procházka Donnan Equilibria in Polymeric Micellar Systems with Weak Polyelectrolyte Shells: The Lowering of the pH Value
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 1737-1746
Patrik Pařík and Miroslav Ludwig Acid-Base Properties of Substituted Naphthoic Acids in Nonaqueous Media -
pp. 1747-1753
Radek Marek Gradient-Enhanced Inverse-Detected NMR Techniquesfor Determination of 1H-15N Coupling Constants in 2,2-Dimethylpenta-3,4-dienal Derivatives -
pp. 1754-1762
Jakub Stýskala, Jan Slouka, Miloslav Hejsek and Vojtěch Bekárek Synthesis of 2-Aryl[1]benzofuro[2,3-e][1,2,4]triazin-3(2H)-ones and Their Use for Preparation of 1-Aryl-5-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-6-azauracils -
pp. 1763-1775
Roman Fišera, Milan Králik, Julius Annus, Vieroslav Krátky, Marco Zecca and Milan Hronec Deactivation of Polymer-Supported Palladium Catalystsin the Hydrogenation of 4-Nitrotoluene -
pp. 1776-1798
Eva Klinotová, Václav Křeček, Jiří Klinot, Magdalena Endová, Jana Eisenreichová, Miloš Buděšínský and Martin Štícha Glycosylation of Triterpene Alcohols and Acids of the Lupane and A-Secolupane Series -
pp. 1799-1803
Alžbeta Kardošová and Mária Matulová A Fructofuranan from the Roots of Rudbeckia fulgida, var. sullivantii (BOYNTON et BEADLE)
pp. 1804-1814
Marie Stiborová and Hana Hansíková Peroxidases from Tulip Bulbs (Tulipa fosteriana, L.) Oxidize Xenobiotics NNitrosodimethylamine and N-Nitroso-N-methylaniline in vitro -
pp. 1815-1820
Miroslav Štěpánek and Zdeněk Pavlíček Glycation of Human Serum Albumin by DL-Glyceraldehyde: A Fluorescence Quenching Study
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.