- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1998, Volume 63, Issue 2
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 141-154
Pavol Hudec, Agáta Smiešková, Zdenek Židek, Milan Zúbek, Petr Schneider, Milan Kočiřík and Jana Kozánková Adsorption Properties of ZSM-5 Zeolites -
pp. 155-163
Josef Janča and Natalia Gospodinova Isoperichoric Focusing Phenomena Generated by Coupled Electric and Gravitational Field Forces in Bidisperse Mixtures of Colloidal Particles
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 164-181
Milan Krenželok and Petr Rychlovský Comparison of Hydride Generator/Gas-Liquid Phase Separator Systems for Continuous Hydride Generation in Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
pp. 182-186
Alberto R. Dias, Adelino M. Galvão and Ana C. Galvão Synthesis, Characterization and Theoretical Evaluation of [Ti(NC4Me4)(NMe2)3] - A Complex with N-Bonded 2,3,4,5-Tetramethylpyrrolyl Ligand -
pp. 187-198
Ana Ion, Florinel G. Banica and Constantin Luca Electrochemical Investigations of the Nickel(II)-Penicillamine System. Inert and Labile Complexes Detected by Polarography
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 199-204
Jiří Bielavský, Jiří Kassa, Iva Elsnerová and Luboš Dejmek Cholinesterase Reactivators Derived from Pyridine-2-carbaldoxime -
pp. 205-210
Mária Haladová, Eva Eisenreichová, Pavel Mučaji, Miloš Buděšínský and Karel Ubik Steroidal Saponins from Lilium candidum L. -
pp. 211-221
Miloš Tichý, Luděk Ridvan, Miloš Buděšínský, Jiří Závada, Jaroslav Podlaha and Ivana Císařová Axially Chiral Bis(α-amino Acid)s and Their Deamino Analogues. Synthesis and Configurational Assignment -
pp. 222-230
Naeem B. Hanna, Milena Masojídková, Pavel Fiedler and Alois Pískala Synthesis of Some 6-Substituted 5-Azacytidines -
pp. 231-244
Jaroslav Litera, Miloš Buděšínský, Ján Urban and Milan Souček Peptide Inhibitors of Aspartic Proteinases with Hydroxyethylene Isostere Replacement of Peptide Bond. I. Preparation of Four Diastereoisomeric (2R or 2S,4R or 4S,5S)-2-Benzyl-5-[(tert-butoxycarbonyl)amino]-4-hydroxy-6-phenylhexanoic Acids
pp. 245-251
Eva Olaszová, Ingrid Paulíková, Otto Helia, Emil Švajdlenka, Ferdinand Devínský and Ivan Lacko Dependence of in vitro Enzymic Hydrolysis of Alkyl(2-benzoyloxyethyl)dimethylammonium Bromides on the Alkyl Length
Applied and Materials Chemistry
pp. 252-270
Petr Schneider Effectiveness Factor for a Non-Isothermal Simple Catalytic Reaction with Combined Transport Processes: Maxwell-Stefan Approach -
pp. 271-282
Jiří Rathouský, Markéta Zukalová and Arnošt Zukal The Effects of Processing Parameters on the Synthesis of Siliceous MCM-41 from Colloidal Silicas -
pp. 283-292
Milan Sovilj Axial Dispersion in a Three-Phase Gas-Agitated Spray Extraction Column
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.