- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1999, Volume 64, Issue 8
pp. 1211-1252
Jan Hlaváček* and Renáta Marcová Biological Function and Chemistry of Endothelin. A Review
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 1253-1261
Eva Jirásková, Jiří Kulhánek, Taťjana Nevěčná* and Oldřich Pytela Construction and Chemometric Analysis of Acidity Function in Perchloric Acid
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
pp. 1262-1268
Jitka Eysseltová*, Vladimír Zbranek and Jan Jirsák Solubility in the CuCl2-NaCl-H2O System and Hydration Analysis in the Case of Complexation -
pp. 1269-1273
Martin Breza* and Alena Manová On the Reliability of the Structures of Lead(II) Hydroxo Complexes Obtained by MNDO Method
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 1274-1294
Radek Pohl, Stanislav Böhm and Josef Kuthan* Sterically Crowded Heterocycles. X. A New Mechanistic Approach to the Ferricyanide Oxidation of 4,6'-Disubstituted 1-(Pyridin-2'-yl)-2,6-diphenylpyridinium Salts -
pp. 1295-1306
Karel Waisser*, Karel Palát, Jr. and Otto Exner* Substituent Effects on Conformational Equilibria: Substituted Thiobenzanilides -
pp. 1307-1315
Lars F. Jalander* and Jan-Erik Lönnqvist Synthesis of Alkyl- and Phenyl-2-thiouracils and 1,3-Thiazin-4-ones by Nucleophilic Substitution of Unsymmetrical Thioureas with 3-Chloropropenoates -
pp. 1316-1324
Dana Hocková*, Milena Masojídková and Antonín Holý 7-(1-Cyanobut-3-en-1-yl)-N6-[(N,N-dimethylamino)methylene]adenine as a Starting Compound for the Synthesis of α-Branched Acyclic Analogues of N7-Isomer of Adenosine -
pp. 1325-1334
Lenka Weignerová, Yukio Suzuki, Zdenka Huňková, Petr Sedmera, Vladimír Havlíček, Radek Marek and Vladimír Křen* Pyridoxine as a Substrate for Screening Synthetic Potential of Glycosidases
pp. 1335-1347
Marie Stiborová*, Heinz H. Schmeiser, Andrea Breuer and Eva Frei 32P-Postlabelling Analysis of DNA Adducts with 1-(Phenylazo)-2-naphthol (Sudan I, Solvent Yellow 14) Formed in vivo in Fisher 344 Rats -
pp. 1348-1356
Michaela Rumlová-Kliková, Iva Pichová, Eric Hunter and Tomáš Ruml* Conditions Resulting in Formation of Properly Assembled Retroviral Capsids within Inclusion Bodies of Escherichia coli
Applied and Materials Chemistry
pp. 1357-1368
Enric Brillas, José Carrasco, Ramon Oliver*, Francesc Estrany and Víctor Ruiz Effects of Doping on the Electrochemical and Electrical Properties of Poly(2,5-di(2-thienyl)pyrrole)
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.