- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2000, Volume 65, Issue 1
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 1-8
Tomáš Loučka Adsorption and Oxidation of Thiosulfate on the Platinum Electrode in a Slightly Alkaline Medium -
pp. 9-16
Petr Kačer, Petr Novák and Libor Červený* Effect of the Structure of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons and Alcohols on Their Reactivity and Adsorptivity in Hydrogenation
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
pp. 17-22
Jan Čermák*, Stanislav Šabata, Vratislav Blechta and Bernard L. Shaw Nickel(0) and Palladium(0) Complexes with (Z,Z)-Ph2PCH2C(t-Bu)=N-N=C(t-Bu)CH2PPh2. Alkyne-to-Alkenyl Conversion in [Pd(MeOCOCCCOOMe){(Z,Z)-Ph2PCH2C(t-Bu)=N-N=C(t-Bu)CH2PPh2}] -
pp. 23-34
Ivan Pavlík*, Martin Pavlišta, Klaus Jacob, Claus Pietzsch, Tomáš Lébl and Jaromír Vinklárek Synthesis and Characterization of Heterodinuclear Complexes Pentacarbonyl[(dimethylaminomethyl)ferrocene]molybdenum and Pentacarbonyl[(dimethylaminomethyl)ferrocene]tungsten -
pp. 35-46
Yulan Wang* and Yangjie Wu Effects of ortho-Substituents in Protonolysis of Arylmercuric Chlorides with Hydrochloric Acid -
pp. 47-57
Pavel Hradil, Jiří Votinský*, Karel Komárek, Vítězslav Zima, Jaroslava Kalousová, Klára Melánová and Ludvík Beneš Adsorption of Vapours of Some Organic Compounds on Surface of Iron-Substituted Layered Vanadyl Phosphate
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 58-76
Pavel Pihera and Jiří Svoboda* Reactivity Studies of [1]Benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzofuran -
pp. 77-82
Suzana Jovanović-Šanta*, Silvana Andrić, Radmila Kovačević and Vjera Pejanović Synthesis and Biological Activity of New 16,17-Secoestrone Derivatives -
pp. 83-98
Jana Hodačová* and Ivan Stibor Synthesis of 2,2'-Bipyridines with Axially Chiral 1,1'-Binaphthalene Units -
pp. 99-105
Martin Chadim, Miloš Buděšínský, Jana Hodačová and Jiří Závada* A Covalently Bound Template in the Regioselective Synthesis of Bis(tetraazacrown)s -
pp. 106-116
Jiří Kulhánek*, Oldřich Pytela and Antonín Lyčka Chemometrical Analysis of Substituent Effects. XIII. Comparison of Substituent Effects on Dissociation and Chemical Shift in 13C NMR Spectra of Mono- and Disubstituted Benzoic Acids -
pp. 117-121
David E. Stevenson, Vladimír Křen*, Petr Halada and Petr Sedmera Enzymatic Preparation of Lysergol β-D-Glucuronide
pp. 122-132
Lucie Bořek-Dohalská*, Petr Hodek and Marie Stiborová New Selective Inhibitors of Cytochrome P450 2B4 and an Activator of Cytochrome P450 3A6 in Rabbit Liver Microsomes
Applied and Materials Chemistry
pp. 133-140
Karel Bouzek*, Martin J. Schmidt and Anthony A. Wragg Influence of Electrolyte Hydrodynamics on Current Yield in Ferrate(VI) Production by Anodic Iron Dissolution
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.