Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2002, 67, 791-807

Halogenation of Tris(amido)tantalacarboranes with Dihalomethanes CH2X2 (X = Cl, Br)

Mark A. Fox, Andrés E. Goeta, Andrew K. Hughes*, John M. Malget and Ken Wade

Department of Chemistry, University of Durham, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, U.K.


Slow reactions of isomeric metallacarboranes of general formulae [(NMe2)3TaC2B9H11] (3 isomers) and [(NMe2)3TaC2B9H10Me] (3 isomers) with CD2Cl2 afford quantitative yields of monochloro complexes [Cl(NMe2)2TaC2B9H11] and [Cl(NMe2)2TaC2B9H10Me]. Exposure to CD2Cl2 for months leads to solutions containing about 70% of the dichlorides in three cases. More prolonged exposure of these and the other monochlorides leads to a mixture of boron-substituted complexes. Hydrolysis of [3,3,3-(NMe2)3-3,1,2-TaC2B9H11] by moist toluene results in the formation of the oxo-bridged complex 3,3'-[3,3-(NMe2)2-3,1,2-TaC2B9H11]2(μ-O), characterised by single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The limited solubility of the latter complex in CD2Cl2 eliminates the presence of this compound in the reaction of [3,3,3-(NMe2)3-3,1,2-TaC2B9H11] with CD2Cl2. The reaction of [2,2,2-(NMe2)3-2,1,12-TaC2B9H11] with CH2Br2 in C6D6 quantitatively yields the monobromide [2-Br-2,2-(NMe2)2-2,1,12-TaC2B9H11]. Prolonged reaction with CH2Br2 leads directly to isomeric boron-substituted complexes with no evidence for dibromides. The influence on 11B, 13C and 1H NMR chemical shifts of replacing an amide group in [(NMe2)3TaC2B9H11] with chloride to give [Cl(NMe2)2TaC2B9H11] is also discussed.

Keywords: Tantalum; Carboranes; Metallacarboranes; Tantalacarboranes; Halogenations; Isoelectronic analogues.

References: 31 live references.