- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2003, Volume 68, Issue 2
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 211-239
Ivan Černušák, Vladimir Kellö* and Andrzej J. Sadlej Standardized Medium-Size Basis Sets for Calculations of Molecular Electric Properties: Group IIIA -
pp. 240-252
Jesus R. Flores, Karol Jankowski* and Romuald Słupski Application of MP2 Results in Comparative Studies of Semiempirical Ground-State Energies of Large Atoms -
pp. 253-264
Lidia Smentek Magnetic Linear Birefringence in Rare Earth Systems. Second-Order Approach -
pp. 265-274
Björn O. Roos The Ground State Potential for the Chromium Dimer Revisited -
pp. 275-294
Grzegorz Pestka and Jacek Karwowski* Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian in N-Electron Model Spaces -
pp. 295-306
Miloš Kalhous, Lubomír Skála*, Jaroslav Zamastil and Jiří Čížek New Version of the Rayleigh-Schrödinger Perturbation Theory -
pp. 307-330
Antonio Laganà*, Stefano Crocchianti, Noelia Faginas Lago, Leonardo Pacifici and Gianni Ferraro A Nonorthogonal Coordinate Approach to Atom-Diatom Parallel Reactive Scattering Calculations -
pp. 331-339
Peter R. Surján*, Dóra Kőhalmi and Ágnes Szabados Optimized Quasiparticle Energies in Many-Body Perturbation Theory -
pp. 340-356
Jozef Noga* and Pierre Valiron Towards Universal R12 Consistent Basis Sets -
pp. 357-373
Pere Constans and Gustavo E. Scuseria* The Laplace Transform Perturbative Triples Correction Ansatz -
pp. 374-386
Henk J. A. Zweistra, Claire C. M. Samson and Wim Klopper* Similarity-Transformed Hamiltonians by Means of Gaussian-Damped Interelectronic Distances -
pp. 387-404
Ioannis S. K. Kerkines and Aristides Mavridis* Electronic Structure and Bonding Nature of the Ground State Monocarbide Cations, ScC+, TiC+, VC+, and CrC+ -
pp. 405-422
Olaf Hübner and Joachim Sauer* Electronic States of Fe2S-/0/+
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.