- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2004, Volume 69, Issue 12
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 2121-2133
Robert Ponec Molecular Basis of LFER. Simple Model for the Estimation of Brønsted Exponent in Acid-Base Catalysis -
pp. 2134-2146
Esther Quintanilla, Juan Z. Dávalos, Rebeca Herrero, Pilar Jiménez, Ibon Alkorta and José-Luis M. Abboud* Protic Acidity of Some Aliphatic and Alicyclic Hydrocarbons in the Gas Phase and in Solution. An Empirical and Computational Link -
pp. 2147-2173
Marvin Charton* and Barbara I. Charton Hydrogen Bonding Contribution to Lipophilicity Parameters. Hydrogen Acceptor and Hydrogen Acceptor Donor Parameters -
pp. 2174-2182
Hyuck Keun Oh, Ji Young Oh, Dae Dong Sung and Ikchoon Lee* Kinetics and Mechanism of the Aminolysis of S-Aryl O-Ethyl Dithiocarbonates in Acetonitrile -
pp. 2183-2192
Kenneth B. Wiberg Substituent Effects on the Acidity of Weak Acids. 4. Anilinium Ions
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 2193-2211
Zuzana Alexandrová, Irena G. Stará*, Petr Sehnal, Filip Teplý, Ivo Starý*, David Šaman and Pavel Fiedler Synthetic Studies Toward Chiral Aromatic Triynes as Key Substrates for the Asymmetric Synthesis of Helicene-Like Molecules -
pp. 2212-2222
Jiří Hanusek*, Miloš Sedlák, Roman Keder and Vojeslav Štěrba Kinetics and Mechanism of Desulfurization Reaction of 1-Methyl-2-phenylquinazoline-4(1H)-thiones -
pp. 2223-2238
Denis Bertin, Didier Gigmes, Sylvain R. A. Marque*, Stephan Milardo, Jérôme Peri and Paul Tordo Long-Range Polar Effect on the C-ON Bond Homolysis in (tert-Butyl[1-(diethylphosphonyl)-2,2-dimethylpropyl]aminoxyl) SG1-Based Alkoxyamines -
pp. 2239-2252
Jan Pícha, Radek Cibulka*, František Liška, Patrik Pařík and Oldřich Pytela Reparametrization and/or Determination of Hammett, Inductive, Mesomeric and AISE Substituent Constants for Five Substituents: N+(CH3)3, CH2N+(CH3)3, CH2Py+, CH2SO2CH3 and PO(OCH3)2 -
pp. 2253-2275
João Carlos R. Reis*, Manuel A. P. Segurado, Jaime D. Gomes de Oliveira, Senthamaraikannan Kabilan* and Krishnasamy Suganya Chlorination of N-Phenylbenzenesulfonamides with NCP in Aqueous Acetic Acid. Using the para/meta Ratio of Substituent Effects for Mechanism Elucidation -
pp. 2276-2280
Iva B. Blagoeva*, Asen H. Koedjikov, Ivan G. Pojarlieff and Stefan P. Stanchev σI Values for Arylureido Groups -
pp. 2281-2296
Jerzy J. Chruściel The Solvent Effects on Kinetics and Mechanism of Zinc or Cadmium Halide Catalyzed Reactions of Hydrosilanes with Hydroxylic Reagents -
pp. 2297-2314
Patrik Pařík* and Miroslav Ludwig Analysis of Substituent Effects in Naphthalene Skeleton
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.