- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2005, Volume 70, Issue 7
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 851-863
Nayana Vaval, Prashant Manohar and Sourav Pal* Electronic Spectra and Ionization Potentials of Halogen Oxides Using the Fock Space Coupled-Cluster Method -
pp. 864-880
Jacek Karwowski* and Lech Cyrnek A Class of Exactly Solvable Schrödinger Equations -
pp. 881-904
Masahiro Ehara, Mayumi Ishida and Hiroshi Nakatsuji* Theoretical Fine Spectroscopy with SAC-CI Method: Outer- and Inner-Valence Ionization Spectra of CO and N2 -
pp. 905-922
Brian G. Wybourne, Lidia Smentek* and Andrzej Kędziorski Borrowing Intensity in Rare Earth Doped Materials; Magnetic Dipole Transitions -
pp. 923-940
Jiří Fišer* and Rudolf Polák Electron Affinities of BN, NO and NF: Coupled Cluster and Multireference Configuration Interaction Calculations -
pp. 941-950
Eugene S. Kryachko Notes on the Riccati Equation -
pp. 951-978
Pavel Neogrády, Péter G. Szalay, Wolfgang P. Kraemer and Miroslav Urban* Coupled-Cluster Study of Spectroscopic Constants of the Alkali Metal Diatomics: Ground and the Singlet Excited States of Na2, NaLi, NaK, and NaRb -
pp. 979-1016
Leszek Z. Stolarczyk The Hodge Operator in Fermionic Fock Space -
pp. 1017-1033
Vladimir V. Ivanov, Ludwik Adamowicz* and Dmitry I. Lyakh Multireference State-Specific Coupled-Cluster Theory and Multiconfigurationality Index. BH Dissociation
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.