- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2006, Volume 71, Issue 11-12
pp. 1517-1524
Jaromír Hlavatý* and Martin Štícha Electrochemical Oxidation of But-2-yne-1,4-diol -
pp. 1525-1531
Wojciech Grochala Is a Non-Transition Element Nitride Ferromagnet Ever Achievable? Indication of the N-N Pairing Instability -
pp. 1532-1548
Marek Baráth, Mária Petrušová, Ján Hirsch and Ladislav Petruš* Synthesis of a 1α,4'-Di-O-allylated, 2,3,2',3'-Tetra-O-tetradecylated Lipid A Mimic and Its 4-O-(4-Methoxybenzyl) Precursor -
pp. 1549-1556
Josef Holub, Mario Bakardjiev and Bohumil Štíbr* Electrophilic Halogenation of nido-5,6-C2B8H12 -
pp. 1557-1570
Vilve Nummert, Mare Piirsalu and Ilmar A. Koppel* Kinetic Study of Hydrolysis of Benzoates. Part XXVI. Variation of the Substituent Effect with Solvent in Alkaline Hydrolysis of Substituted Alkyl Benzoates -
pp. 1571-1587
Karel Čížek, Jiří Barek* and Jiří Zima Polarographic and Voltammetric Determination of Trace Amounts of 3-Nitrofluoranthene -
pp. 1588-1610
Joaquin F. Perez-Benito A Kinetic Study of the Cytochrome c-Hydrogen Peroxide Reaction -
pp. 1611-1626
Jaroslav Kvíčala*, Ondřej Baszczyňski, Alena Krupková and Denisa Stránská Hydroboration of 1,1'-Bi(cyclopent-1-ene) and 3,3'-Biindene: Experimental and Theoretical Study -
pp. 1627-1641
Marek Stupák, Jaroslava Bágeľová, Diana Fedunová and Marián Antalík* Conformational Transitions of Ferricytochrome c in Strong Inorganic Acids -
pp. 1642-1658
Milan Kivala, Radek Cibulka and František Hampl* Cleavage of 4-Nitrophenyl Diphenyl Phosphate by Isomeric Quaternary Pyridinium Ketoximes - How Can Structure and Lipophilicity of Functional Surfactants Influence Their Reactivity in Micelles and Microemulsions? -
pp. 1659-1672
Helena Heissigerová, Petr Kočalka, Martina Hlaváčková, Anne Imberty, Christelle Breton, Valerie Chazalet and Jitka Moravcová* Synthesis of D-Galactopyranosylphosphonic and (D-Galactopyranosylmethyl)phosphonic Acids as Intermediates of Inhibitors of Galactosyltransferases
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.