Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2010, 75, 835-851
Published online 2010-08-17 11:37:47

The optimization of the electrochemical preparation of Pedot-Prussian blue hybrid electrode material and application in electrochemical sensors

Stelian Lupua,* and Nicolae Totirb

a Department of Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Polizu Gheorghe 1-5, 011061 Bucharest, Romania
b Institute of Physical Chemistry “Ilie Murgulescu”, Splaiul Independentei 202, 060021 Bucharest, Romania


The electrochemical preparation, characterization and analytical applications of a hybrid material consisting of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) conducting polymer and Prussian Blue (PB; iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II)) are presented. The hybrid material was prepared by a two-steps method. In a first step, the organic conducting polymer coating was deposited onto platinum electrode surface from an aqueous solution containing the monomer and ferricyanide ions. In the second step, the resulted modified electrode Pt|PEDOT- FeCN was immersed in an aqueous solution containing Fe3+ ions and the electrode potential was cycled between 0.6 and –0.4 V. The in situ formation of PB inside the PEDOT matrix has been demonstrated using cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance. The hybrid material maintains the electrochemical features of each component, i.e. organic and inorganic components. The inorganic component showed electrochemical activity only for the Prussian blue/Everitt’s salt redox system. The hybrid material displayed electrocatalytic activity towards dopamine oxidation in the presence of a large excess of ascorbic acid.

Keywords: Electrochemistry; Mixed-valent compounds; Neurotransmitters; Polymers; Platinum; Sensors; Hybrid material; Conducting polymer; Prussian Blue; Dopamine; Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance; Cyclic voltammetry.

References: 36 live references.