- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2011, Volume 76, Issue 5
pp. 351-369
Detlef Schröder Ion-mobility mass spectrometry of complexes of nickel and acetonitrile -
pp. 371-382
Farhad Ahmadi*, Sahar Ghasemi and Mehdi Rahimi-Nasrabadi Adsorptive cathodic stripping determination of minoxidil in pharmaceutical, cream and shampoo products -
pp. 383-397
Ferenc T. Pastor, Hana Dejmková, Jiří Zima and Jiří Barek* Determination of chloramphenicol by differential pulse voltammetry at carbon paste electrodes – The use of sodium sulfite for removal of oxygen from electrode surface -
pp. 399-406
Lubomír Skála* and Vojtěch Kapsa Two uncertainty relations -
pp. 407-414
Jan Balej Verification of the mutual consistency and reliability of thermodynamic data of inorganic electrolytes -
pp. 415-422
Aneta Kadlčíková, Klára Vlašaná and Martin Kotora* Enantioselective epoxide ring opening catalyzed by bis(tetrahydroisoquinoline) N,N′-dioxides -
pp. 423-442
Deniz Altinöz Erdogan, Ibrahim Hüdai Taşdemir, Nevin Erk and Esma Kiliç* Electrochemical behavior of Moclobemide at mercury and glassy carbon electrodes and voltammetric methods for its determination -
pp. 443-456
Aleš Marek, Blanka Klepetářová and Tomáš Elbert* The introduction of a double bond on the steroid skeleton – The preparation of enol silyl ether derivatives from vicinal diols -
pp. 457-479
Adam Pecina, Ondřej Přenosil, Jindřich Fanfrlík, Jan Řezáč, Jaroslav Granatier, Pavel Hobza* and Martin Lepšík* On the reliability of the corrected semiempirical quantum chemical method (PM6-DH2) for assigning the protonation states in HIV-1 protease/inhibitor complexes -
pp. 481-501
Xiaoguang Bao, David A. Hrovat and Weston Thatcher Borden* Cooperative effects in the annelation of benzene by multiple etheno groups -
pp. 503-536
Ivana Poláková, Miloš Buděšínský, Zdeněk Točík and Ivan Rosenberg* Tetrofuranose nucleoside phosphonic acids: Synthesis and properties -
pp. 537-552
Tomoo Miyahara and Hiroshi Nakatsuji* Absorption spectra of nucleic acid bases studied by the symmetry-adapted-cluster configuration-interaction (SAC-CI) method -
pp. 553-566
Christian Näther* and Inke Jeß Investigations on the polymorphism and pseudopolymorphism of clobetasone butyrate -
pp. 567-583
Shigeki Yamamoto and Petr Bouř* On the limited precision of transfer of molecular optical activity tensors -
pp. 585-603
Ivan Černušák*, Jozef Federič, Pavel Jungwirth and Milan Uhlár Effects of micro-hydration in proton transfer from H2S·NO+ complex to water: Ab initio and molecular dynamics study -
pp. 605-618
Vojtěch Klusák, Petr Dobeš, Jiří Černý and Jiří Vondrášek* How to fragment a polypeptide? An ab initio computational study of pair interactions between amino acids and ligand-amino acids in proteins -
pp. 619-629
Shigeyoshi Sakaki*, Daisuke Kawai and Shinya Tsukamoto Theoretical study of metallasilatranes; Bonding nature and prediction of new metallasilatrane
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.