CCCC > Archive > Authors > Larry G. Sneddon
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Larry G. Sneddon
- Ariane Perez-Gavilan, Patrick J. Carroll and Larry G. Sneddon*
Syntheses and structural characterizations ofcloso and nido 10-vertex metallatricarbanonaboranes
2010, Vol. 75, Issue 9, pp. 905–917
- Alexandra M. Shedlow and Larry G. Sneddon*
Synthesis of the New 2-Alkyl-nido-2,7,10-C3B8H11 Tricarbaborane by Protonation of [7-Alkyl-nido-7,8,10-C3B8H10]-: A Reversible Cage-Carbon Rearrangement
1999, Vol. 64, Issue 5, pp. 865–882
- Andrew E. Wille and Larry G. Sneddon
Proton-Sponge-Initiated Reactions of 6,8-Dicarba-arachno-nonaborane(13) and 6,7-Dicarba-arachno-nonaborane(13) with Methyl Propynoate: One-Step Syntheses of the 6-(MeOOCCH2)-5,6,7-Tricarba-arachno-decaborane(12) and 6-(MeOOCCH2)-5,6,10-Tricarba-nido-decaborane(10) Tricarbaboranes
1997, Vol. 62, Issue 8, pp. 1214–1228