CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Conjugated dienals
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Conjugated dienals
- Aleš Svatoš*, Blanka Kalinová, Jiří Kindl, Jelena Kuldová, Oldřich Hovorka, Ruth Rufino Do Nascimento and Neil J. Oldham
Chemical Characterization and Synthesis of the Major Component of the Sex Pheromone of the Sugarcane Borer Diatraea saccharalis
2001, Vol. 66, Issue 11, pp. 1682–1690
- Michal Hoskovec, David Šaman and Aleš Svatoš*
Synthesis of (8E,10Z)-Tetradeca-8,10-dienal, Sex Pheromone of Horse Chestnut Leafminer (Cameraria ohridella), and All Its Geometrical Isomers
2000, Vol. 65, Issue 4, pp. 511–523