CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Wine
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

- Luís Moreira Gonçalves*, Miriam Franco da Anunciação, Inês Maria Valente, João Grosso Pacheco, José António Rodrigues and Aquiles Araújo Barros
Use of a membraneless extraction module for the voltammetric determination of total sulfites in wine
2010, Vol. 75, Issue 7, pp. 721–730
- Petr Kubáň, Pavel Janoš and Vlastimil Kubáň
Gas Diffusion-Flow Injection Determination of Free and Total Sulfur Dioxide in Wines by Conductometry
1998, Vol. 63, Issue 6, pp. 770–782