- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1980, Volume 45, Issue 6
pp. 1617-1626
František Vodák Heat transfer between two fluid phases -
pp. 1627-1631
Petr Taras and Milan Pospíšil Catalyst based on nickel and molybdenum of a high specific surface -
pp. 1632-1638
Rostislav Kudláček and Růžena Jelínková Effect of irradiation and of replacement of hydrogen by deuterium on the kinetics of hydrogenation of maleic acid on a nickel catalyst -
pp. 1639-1645
Jindřich Novák and Ivo Sláma Temperature and concentration dependence of equivalent conductivity in Ca(NO3)2-CaI2-H2O system -
pp. 1646-1654
Robert Ponec Perturbation theory of substituent effect. Quantum chemical estimation of the Hammet ρ constants -
pp. 1655-1661
Robert Ponec Perturbation theory of substituent effect. Importance of the field effect in transmission of the substituent effect -
pp. 1662-1668
Enrique López-Cantarero, Juan Llor and Manuel Cortijo Polarographic reduction of 3-O-methylpyridoxal 5'-phosphate -
pp. 1669-1676
Pavel Kubáček Properties of electrochemically generated primary cationradicals of phenyl- and 2-(4-tolyl)-1,3,4,7-tetramethylisoindoles -
pp. 1677-1683
Eduard Ružička, Marija Palešková and Jaromír Antonín Jílek Selective determination of aromatic nitroso compounds -
pp. 1684-1691
Jiří Hanika, Jitka Chlumská and Vlastimil Růžička Internal diffusion effect and hydrogenation selectivity of 1,5-cyclooctadiene -
pp. 1692-1703
Peter Kutschy, Pavol Kristian, Milan Dzurilla and Jaroslav Kováč Reactions of α,β-unsaturated acyl isothiocyanates with phenylhydrazine -
pp. 1704-1714
Josef Prousek, Adolf Jurášek and Jaroslav Kováč Cyclopropanes of 5-nitrofurane series. Reactions of diazomethane with 1-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-1-trichloromethylsulphonyl-2-R-ethylenes -
pp. 1715-1719
Alžbeta Krutošíková and Jaroslav Kováč 5-Nitrophenyl-2-furfuryl-N-onium bromides -
pp. 1720-1733
Antonín Trka and Alexander Kasal Electron impact mass spectra of some vicinal trans-dihalo- and trans-hydroxyhalocholestanes -
pp. 1734-1743
Karel Hejno and František Šorm Cyclic analogues of insect juvenile hormone -
pp. 1744-1747
Karel Hauzer, Siegfried Katzwinkel, Karel Jošt and Tomislav Barth The splitting of substance P by the post-proline cleaving enzyme from lamb kidneys -
pp. 1748-1753
Marie Svítilová, Ivona Malijevská, Anatol Malijevský and Jiří Pick Liquid-vapour equilibrium in strongly associating binary system propionic acid-cyclohexane -
pp. 1754-1765
Milan Pospíšil and Jan Topinka Reduction of NiO-Mn2O3 mixed oxides with hydrogen and its affecting by ionizing radiation -
pp. 1766-1774
František Pavelčík, Jiřina Soldánová and Jaroslav Majer Crystal and molecular structure of the tetradecahydrate of cobalt(II) (R,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-disuccinato-cobaltate(III) -
pp. 1775-1779
Jaromír Plešek, Zbyněk Janoušek and Stanislav Heřmánek Synthesis and properties of some icosahedral carborane B,B'-dithiols -
pp. 1780-1784
Atanas Andreev, Lachezar Prahov and Dimitar Shopov O-O bond activation with cobalt(II)-ethylenediamine complexes in ion-exchange resins -
pp. 1785-1792
Ernest Beinrohr and Ján Garaj NMR study of ligand exchange in some metal dithiocarbamates -
pp. 1793-1804
Dagmar Gotzmannová and Vlastimil Kubáň Comparison of spectrophotometric methods of determining Fe(III) using a computer-controlled SuperScanR 3 UV-VIS spectrophotometer -
pp. 1805-1811
Josef Pola, Josef Vítek, Milan Horák and Pavel Engst CO2 laser-induced decomposition of acetone, 2,3-butanedione and cyclobutanone sensitized by sulfur hexafluoride -
pp. 1812-1819
Lubomír Nondek and Jaroslav Málek Kinetics of condensation of benzaldehyde and its derivatives with acetone and methyl ethyl ketone catalysed by aluminium oxide -
pp. 1820-1825
František Tureček Preparation of cycloheptanols symmetrically labelled with deuterium -
pp. 1826-1830
Ivan Lukáč, Ivan Zvara, Magdaléna Kulíčková and Pavol Hrdlovič Synthesis of acyl 1-acetoxy-2-phenoxyethanes and the corresponding hydroxy derivatives -
pp. 1831-1836
Rudolf Kada, Viera Knoppová, Jaroslav Kováč and Zbyněk Večeřa The reaction of methyl 2-cyano-3-(5-phenylsulphonyl-2-furyl)acrylate with nucleophiles -
pp. 1837-1844
Miloslav Černý, Hana Večerková, Ivan Černý and Josef Pacák Preparation of 2-amino-1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-β-D-mannopyranose by intramolecular substitution of the tosyloxy group in sterically hindered position of 1,6-anhydro-2-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-β-D-glucopyranose -
pp. 1845-1849
Jan Fajkoš and Jiří Joska Synthesis of 11-hydroxylated androstane derivatives -
pp. 1850-1859
Jiří Joska and Jan Fajkoš Simmons-Smith methylenation of the 4,5-double bond in 19-hydroxylated steroids -
pp. 1860-1865
Wojciech T. Markiewicz, Nelly Sh. Padyukova, Zdeněk Samek and Jiří Smrt The reaction of 1,3-dichloro-1,1,3,3-tetraisopropyldisiloxane with cytosine arabinoside and 1-(6-deoxy-α-L-talofuranosyl)uracil
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.